yes it's true.... I'm spoiled!!!! :woot I don't think they are Ameraucana's..... :hit 2 of them have feathered legs!! And I don't want to tell DH. he got them from a local breeder he said, the guy also said he Vac. them but DH couldn't remember for what. the are 3 days old. I got pic's but I don't think you can see them well enough to tell anything but here they are what do you think? the yellow one is one with feathered legs, hope it a she and turns out White. How can I tell male from Female? or can I ?
There are no ameraucanas. It looks like a few Easter egger in there, but if they have feathered legs scratch that. While EEs are mutts, they have a common look and feathered legs is my part of that look. If thy end up feathering out like an EE with feature legs you could simply call them EE mixes. While there are many feathered leg breeds, they are likely mixed with Cochin. That seems to be a common cross. If you get individual pics we/I can tell you what they are. As far as sexing, they re too young. Only certain breeds can e wing sexed. Just because it seems to be about the most common vaccine, it was probably for mareks. Anyways congrats on your new chicks. They are adorable regardless, an the though that counts :), very sweet of your DH.
[COLOR=8B4513]Awww! You have adorable birdies! So sweet.[/COLOR] :love  [COLOR=8B4513]I love the second photo of your d'uncle. That's another one of your Ameraucana-looking chickens! What breed is your hurt one? Poor baby![/COLOR]

Thanks. This one actually is an Ameraucana! Lol. He is a bantam. His beard got plucked when he it beat up so it is looking a little sparse

Ok so what's the verdict? Is it too early t go knock on Lilmizcareall's door? Hav t get an early start back home, got a call in middle of the night and my DD is in hospital having emergency surg as I type this. Do ya think she'd (Lilmizcareall ) be mad at me if I showed up on her doorstep just after dawn?

Given the circumstances I am sure she would be understanding.
Ok so what's the verdict? Is it too early t go knock on Lilmizcareall's door? Hav t get an early start back home, got a call in middle of the night and my DD is in hospital having emergency surg as I type this. Do ya think she'd (Lilmizcareall ) be mad at me if I showed up on her doorstep just after dawn?

Lol! A text never hurt! Don't worry, I was waiting for you. I've been up since 5. :D
Safe travels, Cindy. May all your lights be green, your idiots stay off the highway, and your bladder never fill...
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This my son and one of our rescued chickens. This bird LOVES to be held. She follows us around like a dog. She has really deformed feet from the cruel way she was kept, but it doesn't stop her from hanging on to hoods, packpacks, hair... whatever
Quote: @CluckAcres is selling his ducks last I heard.
I have ducklings from a hatchery that are females for sale. However I am not close to you by any means. Personally I recommend getting in touch with Cluck.
Since you only want two, ordering from a hatchery might be hard unless you find people to go in with you on the order. Last year the ones I saw at the feed store were straight run. Ducklings eat and eat so even buying 4 ducklings in hopes of a 50 / 50 split from the feed store might not save you over paying for a full grown duck.
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is anyone on here an author???? me and my best friend are making an interesting story and we want to make it a book i think its good but its not done yet does anyone want to know what we have yet???

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