Okay, re: UNtreated wood...where is a good source for that?  All they had at Lowe's was treated wood.  And what do you do to keep it from rotting?

UNtreated wood WILL rot. Best you can do is provide adequate drainage and ventilation such as pea gravel and air to extend the life of the wood as much as possible.
Painting or epoxying the wood is also a way to protect the wood.
i am planning having this test done this spring one they all start laying again. Sent from my N861 using Tapatalk
Me too.
[COLOR=800080]animallover~[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]Very cool story![/COLOR] :pop [COLOR=8B4513]It's great that you and your friend can create a whole new world and be in charge of the whole experience. And you don't have to go anywhere or spend any money writing-- plus, it's fun. Writing is such good practice for everything you do in life-- especially posting on BYC-Indiana! lol[/COLOR] :lol:
Lol, there isn't even an a at the end of Araucana. Now all of these people who have Easter eggers are going to be getting on the internet looking for araucan lol
[COLOR=8B4513]February is over!!!!!![/COLOR]
Live the picture
True. I find it really hard to believe that none of my silkies would not have shown signs since last may. Through all of the wet, hot, cold, dusty, lice, etc from the year, none of my hens or Booker have had a sneeze even. I started with Booker and Ashes, then got the four white hens. They are all from Kim. I'm sure they are healthy birds. Then I hatched the 11 chicks. My friend has 4 of them and they have never been sick. The seven I kept are all healthy except for Lily's recurring sinus issue. It has only happened 2 times and both times I opened the window and let it get too cool in the room while I was cleaning. The dust can get overwhelming. Maybe she is just sensitive to the cold and dust. So should I put the rest of the flock on antibiotics? I'm worried now. Even though last time they were fine. The baby ducks are in another room and I have been washing hands like crazy. I barely have skin left.

Lily could simply be more immunosuppressed from birth. It doesn't seem to be pervasive throughout your whole flock, so I wouldn't worry.
ok so we edited the story a bunch and its still in the editing process sorry for the massive post

The wolves are singing to the full moon watching the lone stranger walk indirectly. He stumbles and falls to the hot dessert ground. Slowly, he starts to get up when all of a sudden, a black pegacorn stops in front of him. The stranger stagers back, falling onto a cactus. He looks up in wonder, rubbing his eyes. Is this a mirage? Gradually getting up, so he won't scare the strange creature in front of him, he backs away, tripping over a rock. The pegacorn rears up and flaps his giant wings. In the distance a girl is yelling, “Nylan! Nylan, where are you? ” The creature looks in the direction of the voice. Hearing the voice, the man slowly gets up brushing himself off. Turning, he heads for the voice. The wolves’ howling gets louder and more aggressive. He stops to look around, and then continues on. These were not normal wolfs, they were much bigger, smaller then the pegacorn, but bigger then the stranger. The wolves move closer, opening their jaws, their sharp teeth dripping saliva. Although temporally frozen in fright, the stranger manages to take a step back. Colliding with another wolf, he hits the ground and remembers no more.

“Nylan! Nylan wake up!” The girl screams, while shaking Nylan, trying to wake him up from his dream. Nylan blinks a couple times. Looking at the girl and wonders who is she? As memory returns, he realizes, its Adriana, his lab partner. “Nylan” Adriana anxiously said, while pulling the head gear and the rest of the heart monitor off of Nylan.
“What happened” Nylan inquired? “You blacked out do to heat stroke. I found you and brought you here,” replied Adriana. While looking around the strange room Nylan asked “Where is here?” “You’re at the hospital; the doctor said you'll be better by tomorrow” she replied. “What happened while I was unconscious? All I remember is that we were out collecting” said Nylan struggling to understand. “You wondered off because you saw something in the distance. Your walkie-talkie must have died or you forgot it. You were gone for three hours, I couldn't find you.” The still trembling Adriana shakily murmured. “I thought the wolves had gotten you, or possibly, you had been bitten by a rattle snake.” Reflecting Nylan said “I don't feel as though I were bitten by anything. However, I thought I saw a wild animal, or possibly a person needing help that's all. I'm glad you didn't get hurt. Did you say I had heat stroke? Adriana, wasn't it almost the middle of the night?” “Well…yes, but you'll be better by tomorrow you didn't get seriously hurt.” She replied. “If it was almost the middle of the night how did I get heat stroke? Wasn't it getting cold out side?” Nylan inquired.

“Yes, you were unconscious for hours before I found you and you woke up.” she replied.
“When was the last you saw me? How many hours was I out?” he asked anxiously.
“About seven hours, three before I found you and four after.” she said.
“Seven hours! You’re joking right!? I really wasn't out for that long was I?” he exclaimed.
“You were in a coma like state. What’s the last thing you remember seeing?” she asked.
“The last thing I remember…was your voice yelling at me to wake up!” he said.
“You don't remember anything before that? Seeing anything, hearing anything?” she asked.
“I really don't remember. Everything is fuzzy and thinking about it makes my head ache.” he said tiredly.
“Ok, rest for a little while. I'm going down to the cafeteria. Do you want anything from there?” she asked.
Slowly turning his head to look at Adriana, Nylan said “No, I’ll eat when I get out of the hospital.”
Nodding she replied. “Ok, I’ll be back in fifteen minutes, get some rest.”

The next morning, after being released from the hospital, while Adriana was helping Nylan into the jeep, he asked her if they could go back to where he had passed out. Not knowing if it was the best thing to do, but not wanting to upset Nylan she cautiously agreed. Upon arriving near the spot, they got out of the jeep and walked to the area that she had found him. Looking around and musing to himself out loud he said “That cactus…I remember it…and there was this strange creature here as well.”

Glancing around her Adriana asked “Strange creature…what do you mean by strange creature?’
Bending down to look closer at the ground Nylan replied “Well, it looked like a horse, but it had wings…and look here! There are hoof prints right here! Adriana, I don’t believe what I experienced was all a dream.”
Gazing on the hoof print Adriana doubtfully said “Many things can happed to a person experiencing heatstroke. Are you sure it wasn’t your imagination, or possibly a mirage?”
“Adriana!” Nylan shouted at her “Don’t you see the hoof print? It’s right there! I am not imagining it at all! It’s not like some wild horse came up to me just because he felt the need to get to know me!”
Sorry for having upset Nylan Adriana thought of something else and said while watching a ground squirrel scurry in front of them “Wait, do you remember any wolves being around? I heard some but didn’t see any, and I think I remember seeing prints by you when I found you.”
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Thanks for the link to the free egg testing Brad! I will take advantage once I get up to a dozen eggs a week (maybe NEVER)
. I worked from home yesterday but was inside working all day and avoided the cold. When I went out to feed the critters that evening those crazy chickens wanted to come out!!!! They must be enjoying the sun! So they got some scratch out in the sun and then came in the barn for some sunflower seeds, then they were following me around to see what else I was offering. They sure are cute little critters! My Welsummer is a seriously chatty little girl. Is that a breed thing or just her? I also got a big blue egg yesterday. I'm not sure which EE decided to give one up but I am again hopeful that maybe the others will start laying again. I find it a bit ridiculous that I am getting 2 eggs a week out of five girls!
[COLOR=A52A2A]Primal Momma~ Welcome to the Indiana Thread! Please see info on page 2284. [/COLOR]:welcome
[rule]Originally Posted by EmSteele /img/forum/go_quote.gif

One other question..have been skimming through old posts I've OldSalt (pretty sure that was his name) still here? He always gave me a chuckle...he seems to be the only one I can't find of the original people who were here when I signed on...
[COLOR=0000CD]EmSteele[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]~ Hopefully Old Salt will be back. His daughter(s)? and grandchildren moved near him, and he's been helping them with renovations. I'm sure he'd be happy if you PMd him to say hello.[/COLOR]
[rule][COLOR=008080]racin~[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]You are burning up your bator! Congrats on your success.[/COLOR]
[rule][COLOR=4B0082]raisemright[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]~ Loved the cute photos! [/COLOR]
[rule][COLOR=A52A2A]jchny~[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]OH MY! Goat Rescues! [/COLOR]:th

Did you mean page 2284 or post #2284??
This is Maggie, one of my australorps.

Two weeks ago today, on Valentine's Day, I realized she was spending an awful lot of time sitting in this rabbit nest box up in the barn loft. So, thinking perhaps she was going broody, I carried her in her box downstairs and put her in one of our growout pens. I put 9 eggs under her to see what would happen. Sure enough, she has been sitting on them the entire time. She'll come out to grab a bite to eat & drink & then snuggle back in. Now I'm wondering with the temperatures so cold yet, should I let her stay in the barn to hatch out the chicks, or bring her inside a few days before? Or bring her and the chicks in after they hatch? Or will she be able to keep them warm enough? We do have a brooder light for the pen that we could use if necessary... If we do get chicks, they'll be an interesting crossbreed mix as I just used the cleanest eggs I had collected. There's at least 1 EE in there, maybe a 2nd, although I'm still not sure what color my other girl lays -- too similar to the rest of the eggs. I think maybe there was 1 or 2 ISA or cinnamon queen eggs, and the rest were either gold/silver laced wyandotte, buff/lemon orpington, barred rock, australorp or an orpington/speckled sussex mix. My 2 roos are a lavender orpington and a lemon/lavender orpington mix. Who knows what these birds will look like! This is my first broody hatch so I'm hoping all goes well -- one more week!!
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