Ahhh... Rangi is as beautiful as ever
Yes I am still alive....

Quick update and such and I am working on getting my social life back on track..Eventually

DH and I are still house hunting... We did find a gem located in Pendleton with just under 8 acres.. Loved it... Do you think the darn estate agent would call us back... no... Just found out after a week long of ignoring our repeated calls about this house that someone had made an offer on it. So mad
So we are still in search of our little dream.
We are now looking at one in Mount Comfort with 4 acres, not overly keen on it but I have had my fill at looking at houses.

The produce stand should be up and running again this year, although with the darn long winter will be opening later this year than anticipated.
This will also mean more time for Backyard Chickens
during the not so busy times during the day.
How many degrees is the split between the two? I know nothing about incubators so I don't know what the acceptable temp range. is, but my first thought is use both and split the difference. My second thought involves a barometer. Water boils at 212 F if the air pressure is 14.69 psi (29.92 inches of mercury). if you can determine your actual barometric pressure, you can use a boiling point chart to find out what the corrected bp of the day is... then boil some water and see what the thermometers say.
If you want to get a pretty close guess of the barometric, any weather website will tell you, but the pressure in your house may be slightly different, depending on how far from you theye are taking their readings. In many cases the data comes from the nearest airport. But not always.
Personally, I'd be. inclined to trust the digital over the analog. Thermistors are pretty precise. Just out of curiosity, what is the temp you're trying to maintain, and what's the acceptable range? What make and model is the digital thermometer?
trying to maintain it at 99.5 F . The old fashioned thermometer kind of looks like an "el cheapo" anyway that came with a new incubator i bought a couple weeks ago, so hopefully my digital one is more accurate. I got it off of Amazon from a company called Incubator Warehouse. They deal in products that are only rated for incubators and such, so i think it is more accurate. I just have some turkey eggs in there now that i got for free from my sister, but i have some really nice hatching eggs coming in a few weeks so hopefully i can get this down!
Quick update on the chickens...

Still have far too many, anyone want to help me fix that? No.. Ok..
All my girls quit laying over the winter. Found that to be rather frustrating, however they are making up for it now thank goodness.

I had no losses either which makes me glad. Everyone is healthy and going strong.

I did make a new purchase of 4 more EE's and 4 Cuckoo Marans so my spare bathroom is back to being a brooder.
DH and I are also trying out skills with a small amount of Cornish Cross. Hope that goes well. Will be butchering the rooster I got back from Pginsber as well as possibly my good 'ol RIR rooster due a new recent attack which drew blood
at the same time.

Might be looking to re-home my 3 Rocks at some point. They are a little too aggressive to my poor lavender hen still. Nice assertive birds, just not what I want for unity with my more gentle girls.

My lavender roo is a sweety
and still does not crow. I have seen him mating so I know he is hormonal enough, just a softie.

Still searching for my ever elusive bantam Cochin for my girls. Might settle in for hatching him out this year when the wee ones decide to brood again.

Few updated pictures

My lovely RIR girls (including Mr Pot Pie after him attacking me)

Mr Sweetie.. aka the largest friggin rooster I have ever seen (Well not really but close)

Picture of the mix featuring the Lavender, EE's and the butt of one of the Rocks
As to what to bring for as living conditions? A good draft free coop. As long as you aren't planing on using a lean to, you should be good to go. Though I am not a fan or premade coops, there are lots of stores and people throughout indiana who make them 

We have a dog kennel we closed in with blue and black tarps with a top, filled inside with hay, and put a heat lamp over the roost...would that work there as well?

Depends on what part of the state.  Will you be north or south?

South...Madison Co
Yes I am still alive....

Quick update and such and I am working on getting my social life back on track..Eventually

DH and I are still house hunting... We did find a gem located in Pendleton with just under 8 acres.. Loved it... Do you think the darn estate agent would call us back... no... Just found out after a week long of ignoring our repeated calls about this house that someone had made an offer on it. So mad
So we are still in search of our little dream.
We are now looking at one in Mount Comfort with 4 acres, not overly keen on it but I have had my fill at looking at houses.

The produce stand should be up and running again this year, although with the darn long winter will be opening later this year than anticipated.
This will also mean more time for Backyard Chickens
during the not so busy times during the day.
Glad to hear you are still alive! Good luck with your house search!
Funny story from yesterday.......

I got up an hour late and left 15 minutes late. I think I get ready faster than I ever have in my life. 18 minutes! At the end of the class we were doing the lab part and a guy said we will forgive you for wearing that shirt here. I didn't get at first and then looked at my shirt. It dawned on my. I said I didn't watch sports or anything, it was just a shirt to wear. If no one guessed what shirt I was wearing, it was a IU shirt!

What other kind of shirt is there????

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