Newest hatch! 7 modern game bantams and 2 showgirls. I'm loving the showgirls and so glad I had more than just black moderns hatch lol.





I have spent the past 2 days reading and trying to catch, well more then that actually but 2 day non-stop, My dang internet keeps going out and then I lose all my quotes and then I have to go back and reread all to get my quotes back and lose internet again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its taken me 30 minutes to get this much typed out. So I am going to wing it and just comment on all without the quotes, hope everyone can figure out what I'm talking about, if not at least maybe it will give ya'll a good laugh.
Start with all the hatches good luck to you all hope all goes well, and sorry about the ones that didn't, that has got to suck to get so excited only to lose it. Sorry.
I have seen some really awesome and cute pic's, hope ya keep posting those I know we all love them.
Welcome to the new people, and glad to have the old peeps back too ( not in age of course... lol )
Just cause everyone has different op's on everything I will chime in with mine, hope no one cares. I handle all my birds, among other reasons the biggest one to me is if something happens that I need to get a hold of one of my birds I don't want a fight or have to chase it. So I start picking them up as early as I can, With this last group of EE's it has been tough they are just wild, no other word for it. But I will win!! lol I have only had 2 mean Roo's, they went by by will not keep them around my grand kids and the neighbor kids.

BA's and BO's o and Golden Comets, are my fav, for egg laying and they didn't give up all winter, ( till the bad thing happened ) even then still had some laying every day.

This year I have allot of breeds that are all new to me, SLW, Wellies, BJG, a " Wheaten Americana " as I am told, just don't know if I can trust that so I'm just calling it a EE till I see Egg color, The breeder said " her " color was not good enough so she didn't want her in the breeding pens. We shall see. ISA Browns, Silkies and 2 unknown Bantams are also new to me so we shall see what happens, I want eggs cause I too sell them to get a little of my feed money back, and I wanted color in my basket too so since I had to start my flock all over again I went with the above listed, hope it works out the way I want it, but already had some set backs, 50% of them turned out to be Roo's, cant have all these Roo's so I have to get rid of them, anyone want them let me know I am asking 3.00 each or trade for hens/pullets of the above listed breeds. I have at least 1 of almost every breed I listed ( Rosters ) . they range from 8 weeks to 13 weeks old. I can of course get recent pic's.
My ground and older birds have been tested and are well.

Still looking for Silkie pullets have got to be female. And a Black Cochin Roo. O and DH say a MF also!!! ( Pullet/hen )

now for the real fun.... ( if I don't lose internet )

this was in my horse pasture the other day when I went to feed. There were 2 but they flew away when I got close enough to take a pic, have any ideal what they were? They are very tall, as in very long legs with a small body and very long wings, very pretty birds. O all white but the head, it was red.
I tried to post this before but don't think it went before my internet went by by so if this is a reprint... I sorry..

Hope buggin DH while he was working on a feeder project. lol
ok going to do this in 2 parts, getting worried about losing everything again... to be continued

My catch up post PART 2

my 8 week olds and 14 week old Silkies that need some ladies..... hint hint...

I was trying to coax my 11 week olds out of the coop they had been inside for 3 days, they didn't see my point of view at all... lol

1 of the Silkie chicks from TSC letting the red know she don't like whatever it just did. ( hoping for female ) Feathering out white so far.
ok got more but am tired and going to bed good night all.

this was in my horse pasture the other day when I went to feed. There were 2 but they flew away when I got close enough to take a pic, have any ideal what they were? They are very tall, as in very long legs with a small body and very long wings, very pretty birds. O all white but the head, it was red.
I tried to post this before but don't think it went before my internet went by by so if this is a reprint... I sorry..
Check out and use the search menu at the top of the page. You can search by bird size, color, beak shape, legs, etc to help identify the birds you see. I used this site a lot when I was identifying all the ducks on our pond a few weeks ago. The National Audubon Society's site,, is also helpful. Just from what you said about it being white with red on the head and long legs would suggest something in the crane family. If it was more gray than white I'd be thinking sandhill crane. If it was truly white with red on the head that would suggest a whooping crane. However Indiana is nowhere near being even close to their migratory path.
Could you tell how much of the head was red? What was the beak like? How tall? it would be fun to discover what you saw!
hoosiercheetah ~ First, I'd like to comment that although I've been a life long cat lover, your avatar scares me a little!

@Mother2Hens ~
I have a life long love of cheetahs. I like that picture in particular, because it's rare that you see them threatening. They're relatively small and weak for a big predator, and they have to run from pretty much anything that isn't dinner.

There's an old African proverb that goes, "If you are being chased by a cheetah, you don't have to be faster than the cheetah. You only have to be faster than the other people who are running away."

hoosiercheetah ~ Oh, I just thought that you must love to eat Cheetos!

I hate, hate, hate yew bushes. The common kind you usually see are also poisonous, and also in almost every yard in America. The house I moved into was surrounded, literally, by dozens of them. I’ve been on a campaign of annihilation that is finally drawing to a close. There are only about a dozen left, and their days are numbered.

[jchny] I’m very sorry for your loss [of your calf from eating yew] Prayers going out to you.
If you have any more yew, and you want them exterminated, just let me know. I delight in their wholesale slaughter, I’d love to see them extinct, and I’d be happy to carve out some time to come destroy them for you.

hoosiercheetah ~ You sound like me and my personal battle with Euonymus in its many forms including Winter Creeper and Burning Bush. They’re banned in some states and are on invasive plant lists in many others. Euonymus will overtake your yard, trees, fences, house, and maybe your chickens! For the past two years, I’ve been digging up roots on a daily basis. I started doing that out of necessity and because my chickens enjoy the worms. It turned into an obsession, and I truly enjoy digging in the dirt (with my chickens). I’ve been a human roto-tiller (it’s ruining the joints in my hands), and have dug up ridiculous amounts of roots and vines only to have them reappear practically overnight! My DH recently burned some roots that I’d dug up plus some winter creeper vines. A couple of weeks later, I turned over the soil when the burn pile was only to find green vines that has survived the fire!! Scary!

Hello again everyone! I finally got the chance to come back to the forum. I don't know if anyone even remembers me but grad school and two jobs started to get in the way (pesky responsiblities) so I had to take a break.
CountryHen ~ It's so great when members come back when they've had to take some time off! You joined a couple of months after I did. How are your chickens?
Would anyone have cochins for sale around terre haute In. / paris Il. Area..I need cheep quality cochins
siemilt18 ~ Welcome to the Indiana Thread!

I'm not sure if show quality cochins can be found for cheap prices, but you never know. We have many members who are fans of cochins. At the bottom of this post, you can click on the link that says "INDIANA BYC Members' List." You'll find a list of members, their breeds, if they are breeders, and counties they live in. Hope this helps.
chick rookie ~ Last fall I kept having trouble with the BYC site when replying. My problem was different than yours in that it was the site and not my Internet connection. I know from experience that the BYC site doesn't Save if there's a glitch in the site or if the connection or power goes out.

I would type out one of my usual long winded replies only to have it go blank. So frustrating! I finally started typing replies (and copying and pasting quotes) using another computer program. Then I would copy and paste my Reply into the reply box and quickly hit Send. You could do the same thing and just keep "saving" as you type after every couple of sentences. I'm not sure if you have a program on your computer than you can use for typing, but even if you have email (not BYC) you could use it to type and Save often. Then just copy and paste it into your BYC reply and hit Send before the Internet goes out. If it does go out, at least you have your reply saved.
I put mine down with a lot of 1/2 inch staples from a staple gun, then caulked the edges. I was fortunate that I coworker had just remodeled a kitchen, and had enough remnants to completely cover the floor of my coop.

I kind of want to come up with a cool name for my coop, but I haven't put in the effort to think of one.

Hmmmmmmmmmm...The Egg Bawks! Lol

Good idea with the staples. Dunno if I'm gonna bother caulking it...

Thanks. They did ok. I got some growling from the big girls and my young rir that's been in there a month or so decided she wanted to take the opportunity to be the big b on the block but I growled and stamped at her when she tried so she finally gave up. The 3 golden comets are totally bold and unafraid, so even though they're the smallest they're picked on least. The cochin and ee are much bigger but got pecked at. But I didn't see anything too dramatic so I think they're ok. They're really too big for the brooder. So I am gonna leave them in the tractor while I put the big girls in the shed when it's done. Use it for a grow out til I'm ready to use it for a breeding pen.

My babies from chickenhill shipped. I'm so excited! And nervous. On the email it said they would be delivered on the 23rd but the tracking page says tomorrow. Dunno who to believe!
I'm taking those silkies down to ellmay tomorrow and getting a marans/slw pullet that lays nice dark eggs. I'm super excited.

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