hey all I have Roo's for sale or trade for same breed hens/pullets or for Silkie hens/pullets (pq ) I don't show and I cant have all these Roosters.
Some I couldn't get by themselves they just were not being a very willing bunch today.

2 Welsummers 10 weeks old
2 Lt. Brahamas 10 weeks old
1 Lt. Brahama 8 weeks old
BJG 10 weeks old

the SLW Like the BJG I am unsure of, if I'm wrong please educate me, I based all this on feathers near the tail and lacing and combs. and I compared them to the pullets ( the plainer of the breed ) I know Most Roosters are brighter and more colorful and darker combs.
I will put them on HT next week if no one is interested. Thanks.
Caution: photo heavy post

Haven't been able to keep up much with this thread lately ... too much to do outside when I get home from work, now that spring finally arrived ... but I snatched a few photos of the youngsters tonight - they are all looking so good! I am a happy bird lady!

Some of the partridge silkies (and by the way - does anyone here know if partridge silkies normally have the barred pattern on their wings like some of mine do, or is there a partridge/cuckoo silkie????):

The top pic does look more cuckoo to me than partridge. The second one looks like my partridge pullets though-they have the same pattern on the wing feathers and even some in the tail feathers. The partridge cockerels didn't have this and I've heard it can be a sex link thing but not 100% sure if that is true.
Our coop is finally done!!!! Well..not totally done, but done enough to finally move the chicks in this afternoon when it warms up a bit. We still need to add the upper roosts, nest boxes, finish the automatic pop doors ( which I'm not worried about since I will leave them in the coop for a week before I let them use the runs anyway) and we still haven't done the siding. The siding is reclaimed wood from a neighbor's old barn we are tearing apart, so that may take a couple more weekends But it will look awesome! :) YAY for no more chickens in my garage!! I desperately need that space for my garden plants as they are taking over my whole house. Is plant math a "thing" too? I will have to get some pictures of the coop before the birds get in there and commerce pooping all over the place.
Woohoo! Make room for the gardening projects! :)

Ok day 20 and we have noise and pipping! We are now GLUED to the incubator lol!!!
Woot! :)
Another important question: Is this bird on medicated feed? If so, I'd advise you to stop the medicated feed. It contains a thiamin blocker. Silkies, especially, seem to have a higher need for thiamin and the medicated feed (containing amprollium) adds to the problem.
The black silkie rooster is not on medicated feed, he is on layer pellets mixed with cracked corn (probably 10% corn/90% pellets).

Leahsmom is right. I always have polyvisol on hand. Something about silkies just makes them very prone to vitamin deficiencies. So far I have never had issues with mine, and it has to be the vitamins. I hope your little guys gets better. Also Suki is doing really well on her 9 eggs. It's amazing what they can hoard under themselves. Like little Mary Poppins bottoms. (her purse was bottomless for the younger blood on this thread

Is this the stuff? Is it found in the baby aisle?

Thank you for posting! Will have to check it out! :)

FlockMaster ~ I'm glad to hear that your hen is doing better!
And don't feel dumb because we all tend to miss the obvious when there's a sudden emergency and our heads start spinning. LIke the other night when my son pointed out that one of my chickens was jerking its head and then resting it forward-- I had a million "what ifs" running through my head and then I realized that it occurred right before they went in the coop for the night, so she was just a sleepy chicken!
(atrueb00~ you were correct!)
About turkeys~ Our Rural KIng stores have a bunch of turkeys-- reduced, so you might check RK or other farm stores near you.
Here are some "mystery chicks" I got the other day. A Lady got them from TSC for her birthday, but can't keep them. Any idea?

I think they are standard egg layers...
Based off what I've seen for sale at TSC and that the top two photos look just like the pullets my cousin got, I'd say the top pic is of ISA Browns and the middle one is of black sex linked layers. Not sure on the bottom pic.
Sally-- Then your hens and rooster are my BLRW's hatchmates! :) lol Goldie and Nellie say "Hello"
Wow, How crazy long are they gonna take? Fingers crossed you will get them so they can be mature before December!
WOW...with this nasty disease running amuck in all the chicken filth, its a miracle that we all haven't gotten sick...smh!
I don't even think chickens spread that's mice.
Agreed. Ignorance is so irritating.

Who doesn't stash chickens in caves and never clean up after them or check on them and just let the Histoplasmosis run out the cave door and infect the neighborhood? Must just be me...NOT!

I was being sarcastic about the cats being banned too. But from what I found on google both chickens and cats rarely cause health issues unless there is an allergy.
I have to point out that getting the other property owners permission would be unfair too. As people can get cats and dogs with out their neighbors' input.
I'm also against those neighborhood groups that make all of their houses look the same with rules about grass height, types of trees, and even Christmas decorations. I guess many people have not read the children's book The Big Orange Splot
Or listened to Little Boxes by Pete Seeger? I really don't like the idea of a home owners association or anyone telling me what I can and cannot do on my own property. Reminds me of the story about the person who couldn't put a flag out or something due to HOA rules and decided to paint his house:


atrueb00 ~ Sorry you've been sick! I bet that's especially frustrating this time of year. Thanks for sharing the bee info -- very interesting about Bee TV being relaxing! It was also interesting to read the Goshen chicken ordinance info that you and Peaceful Walls posted.

Geez, people like "Edna" who pass along misinformation make me crazy! Histoplasmosis is a fungus found in soil. Like other plants, its spores become airborne and can be inhaled by humans and animals. Most people have been exposed to histoplasmosis at one time or another during their lives and have not had symptoms. It typically affects those who already have lung problems or who have poor immune systems.
It is NOT transmitted from infected person to person or infected animal to person or animal. It's an airborne fungus.
Yes, it is finally nice outside and allergies are forcing me to stay inside. Missed 4 days of work with an weekend in between! I kinda want to move next door to Edna with my lil silkies. She wouldn't even know they would be in my backyard. She may, however, notice the honeybees. Heheee
Here are some "mystery chicks" I got the other day. A Lady got them from TSC for her birthday, but can't keep them. Any idea? I think they are standard egg layers...
There is no such thing as "standard egg layers". All chickens have a breed name or are a mix of breeds. (Nt meant to sound rude just the only way I could think to put it :) ) 1- production reds, red sex links, golden comets cinimmon queens etc (they are all the same) 2-jersey giant or austrolorp 3- white leghorns or maybe white rocks (they do look to be a little heavier, but they are more likely to be WLs)

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