Gus and Jules went to live with JChny2000 today. Its sad, but Im so happy they went to such an awesome home. Thanks Brad for taking them to her for me! I miss them, but I know they are safe and happy!
HAPPY FRIDAY everyone!! I'm so excited it's the end of the week (and one day closer to summer break)!

The funniest thing happened last night. While I was guiding the flock back towards the coop a moth took flight and all of them chased it, trying to snatch it out of the air. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Needless to say it took a little longer to get them to the coop, but I didn't mind.

What crazy/funny things have yours done?

(PS...I have a 12 week old RIR rooster I need to re-home. He's such a sweet little guy. I don't want any $ for him from a fellow BYCer and can transport him if necessary.)
[/IMG]My first BJG broody hen hatched her first chick! I'm sooo eggcited, I feel like a grandma at 32 years old! I believe it may be the white leghorn egg I put under there but it could be from the EE egg. Who knows she won't let me see if any others have hatched, but there were only three under her. We started with six and she kicked out one and the other two cracked and broke. The little fluff butt is yellow and still a bit crusty looking, but was peeking out from under mom to see the great big world! Sooooo cute

ETA: Pictures!!!!

That is awesome! What is your broody? I haven't had one go broody, I think it would be neat to see. Congrats:)

She is a hatchery black jersey giant. She started out to be one of the larger hens in my flock, but she has lost so much weight in the past three weeks she is now smaller than the orphingtons.

Does anyone know if she will get up to poo on her own or should I just leave her alone and not worry about her "regularity". She has two more eggs to hatch and I put food and water within reach.
She is a hatchery black jersey giant. She started out to be one of the larger hens in my flock, but she has lost so much weight in the past three weeks she is now smaller than the orphingtons.

Does anyone know if she will get up to poo on her own or should I just leave her alone and not worry about her "regularity". She has two more eggs to hatch and I put food and water within reach.
With both my broody girls I just made sure they had food & water the entire time they were sitting. I never checked the eggs or candled them (don't have any way to do it). The only thing I ever did was chase down my orpington girl whenever she decided to go on the occasional walk around the barn and put her back on the eggs. Even after hearing the first couple of peeps I just left them alone until they came off the nest with their little ones. Both broodies had an egg or two still left when they finally decided to get off. They realized these eggs weren't going to hatch & left them. We cracked them open and they must not have been fertile -- didn't find any half formed chicks or anything! I took a total hands off approach from the time I placed the eggs under the mommas until they brought out their chicks. The mommas knew how to take care themselves!
I'm a newby, we live a little south of French Lick. Around the first of April we bought 2 dozen RIR's. It's kind of odd, but I think almost all of them are hens.

So it has been an exciting and busy week for me. I landscape and the weather has put me behind. I have been expecting a few orders of chicks one I knew would come this week and the others I thought would come later. Plus we had 6 in the incubator. Well the adorable bunch above came two days ago. I left work to go to the post office and take them home and three of the eggs had hatched as well.

That picture may be hard to make out. They were steaming up the plastic:) I went back to work. The kids came home from school to a house full of chicks. They were super excited. And everyone favors the mutt chicks we hatched way more than the others. So anyway. I go to work today and I have another call from the post office.

These guys traveled pretty far. So I wanted to get them in with the rest right away. The "packing peanuts" are from their lavender maran project. I can't wait to see how they feather. I still have another order coming. I may have a problem, I've become addicted to these fluff balls of joy!
On another note my beloved turkey Bob is limping. We believe he is broad breasted breed and is now developing leg problems. We are really attached to him. He is super friendly and loves to hang out with our family. We will be crushed if something happens to him. I will be sure to get a heritage breed if we ever get another.

What kind of chicks did you get? Pretty cool packing peanuts!!!
I've had a broody for 8 weeks now. Adele, our bantam black orpington, has not earned her keep by laying eggs for over 2 months now.

We stuck a chick under her to break her but that didn't work. I've seen a video on youtube where you put a chickens butt in cool water and that's supposed to break them. I have mixed feelings about doing that to her.

It got me thinking though, maybe I could stick an ice pack under her in the nest. That seems a little less mean, but still not a nice thing to do. If she didn't like it, she could get up and go into another nest box. If she stayed, it might bring her temperature down enough to break her.

Thoughts about that strategy? Beyond feedback that it's not a nice thing to do, do you think it might work?

If I leave her be, how long do typical broody streaks last? She's getting thin and I'd like to start getting eggs from her again.

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