This will be my first year at any kind of breeding and I am still working on building up a good quality breeding stock, but I am going to try several different breeds and decide which I like best.
As of right now:

White Leghorns
Silver Laced Wyandotts
Golden Laced Polish
White Crested Polish ( I am still looking for a good quality hen or 2)
Black Sex-Links
Silkies (I am looking for some different colors, right now I have white,blue, and splash)
Easter Eggers

Might do some Barnyard mixes, just for fun.
I got a really cool little feather legged easter egger mix rooster I can't wait to see grow up.
This is Olaf, he and his brother and sisters were my first attempt at even hatching eggs. He is about 10 weeks old. I'm pretty sure it is a He, his wattles and comb are bigger than the others. I just think he is so cute!

I'd be interested in mottled Cochins!

Ok. Right now I only have a pair, so thins will be slow starting off. I found this Pullet that would be perfect to add to them, but an hour farther outside of Indy. Go figure lol. Next year I would be interested in a few moderns to go with te ones I have now. And maybe some more polish, and some wyandottes. I have so many random breeds, that I don't need lol
Good afternoon everyone! Thought I'd take a break from cleaning coops and say hi t all my Besties! Lol.
Been reading everyone's plans for next year. You all are so ambitious! My plans for next year is to keep on keeping on!
I want t be rid of the seven Comet/queen sexlinks I've got. They are just too aggressive for my taste. I want to add a White crested black polish roo, my girls are lonesome! Hoping to breed a few nice Silkies to get some fluffy butts. I'll keep what I've got now but have some acquaintances here that want some. Would like to just keep the other girls I've got now happy and healthy! I have two Americauna girls that are older, they probably won't make it through th winter (if we have another hard one this year) they had a hard time last year! Wanting to add a frost free water line out by the coops so I don't have t carry water quite so far this winter. Hoping to build a decent duck pond next Spring.
Going t be changing the garden plot some next year to make it easier only back and legs. Well that's my plans. Pretty boring compared to all of you. Oh one other thing- I plan on spending a week camping in Indiana next year...for Chickenfest 2015...hoping maybe one or two of my friends can splurge with some time off to join me! (Hint hint hint) lol. Ok gotta get my babies rooms cleaned up! Ttyl (we are feeling just "ducky" 'round here)


ETA: this is Darcy, Dingo and Waddles. Darcy n Dingo were supposed t b girls. Turns out I've got TWO Khaki Cambell Drakes! Darn Tractor Supply!!!!
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Ok. Right now I only have a pair, so thins will be slow starting off. I found this Pullet that would be perfect to add to them, but an hour farther outside of Indy. Go figure lol. Next year I would be interested in a few moderns to go with te ones I have now. And maybe some more polish, and some wyandottes. I have so many random breeds, that I don't need lol

Sounds good.
Good evening everyone...can you guys keep my boyfriend in your prayers? His family is with out water and a month behind rent...his mom has kidney infection and can't do much work right now...from what I heard they might end up getting kicked out of there home :( their really nice people and if I had money/job if help them but I don't :( so can you please keep them in your prayers please and thank you

Here he is. poor baby with no toes!


May I ask - did he lose the toes to frostbite? And, if so, do you know how he got it? Did he step into an open waterer?

(I'm keeping track of frostbite hazards so I always ask folks how their birds got frostbite... just wanted you to know that I ask everyone about frostbite so I don't mean anything personal by asking!!)

Legbars I like the egg color. I think I'd rather have silkied ameraucanas if I USA just judging on egg color. The autosexing is ok. It's nice for people who want pullets but then I'm stuck with a bunch of cockerels. I'm too soft to kill them just because they are Roos. I have a hard enough time to kill a crippled chick that I hatched! Lol. The market also seems to be over saturated now with them and selling the eggs is hard to do anymore.
Is that the Cream legbars? I had wanted to try some just for the colored eggs and I like that they are auto-sexing over the EEs. This was just for my own egg basket as I like the variety of color and LOVE that I'd be able to tell what they are at hatch. The only thing that makes me hesitate is the crest. I don't like crested birds as mine need to be predator savvy. But their crests don't seem to be too excessive....

All that is to say that I may be interested in trying them out sometime if you have any at a time that I have room for them!

I remember seeing your pens with the dog houses and asking about predator safety. Now I have another question. Do you use that kind of pen in the winter or just summer?
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