Thank you, she does resemble the Togg in her markings.
. You have very good looking goats.
Thanks, I just cant picture my life without them, I have my picks the rest have been sold or given to my brother.. lol he wanted to get into showing Toggs and I help him out, His DW wasn't too happy... I let him have 6
. Works for me cause now I can see them whenever.

We got miniature pigs this year, more for pets then anything. They are very fun and interesting. Sorry about your bad luck last summer. I absolutely love goats and could not imagine not having them, but I have never had cows so I would probably say the same about them.

Thank you, I was not sure about Lamancha ears at first but they have the best personalities. Now their looks have kinda grown on me and I think they are all cute.
I had a pot bellied pig for a short time, a male, We named him Benny HAHA, ??? dont know just did, anyway I found out real fast we didnt have the space for a pig, even one as little as him. So we rehomed him, he now lives the life of a inside spoiled dog... lol

Funny story about the LaMancha ears, I had a Doe ( she was my first and my spoiled bratt ) She used to ride in the truck with me everyplace, even took her to RK and TSC with me, anyway, not allot of people knew what a LaMancha was, I would get " what breed of dog is that? what happened to her ears?" and my all time favorite ( from an animal control officer ) " Why did you cut her ears off "? Yes that is what he asked... My neighbor called and reported that I was cutting my goats ears off...

Of course Abby is the LaMancha RIP baby

Seems like it's been awfully quiet here today! Well, how about a small story?

Tonight, my 5 year old niece 'helped' put the chickens away. She loves doing it. She's getting better at it, too--and she's a natural with the girls! She's very careful to be gentle when petting them and she tries to copy me when they are nervous and tells them it's okay. They don't believe her, of course, but that'll come with time.

We got the Guinea fowl in ("Aunt Kristin, are they boys or girls?" She didn't want to call them by the wrong sex.
) and played hide and seek in the chicken coop. We went over and checked out the duck coop build, where she admired how 'soft' the floor was (she meant smooth
). Then, we returned to the chicken coop and counted the chickens. She counted the six pullets that always sleep in the addition, and I counted the other 36 on the main perches and in the rafters. I asked her how many there were all together, and she turned to me and matter-of-factly said, "A hundred!!" That girl's got a different kind of chicken math going on.

As we were leaving, she hurriedly went from the roosts to the addition and said good night to everyone. She'll make a good chicken lady some day.
Very cute, kids are great.

good morning.

I'm on Indy's west side, a 22 acre organic operation of hay, soybeans, popcorn and sometimes other things like spelt, sunflowers, sweet corn, etc. We're also a certified bee farm and honey producer.

We have about three dozen layers (about 5 of them are roos), ending our second summer. We started with a mix of RIR and barred rock, but our original rooster got so aggressive that he harmed people who can to help or work on the farm. So he went thru a succession of names. Originally named Rudy, it was changed to Randy (because he was) when he matured. His name was changed to Satan when he started hurting people, and finally, he became known as Crock Pot. He was my second kill, the first being a black sex link hen who started breaking eggs.

This spring we added all buff orpington, in hopes of gentler roos.

And we have three white turkeys maturing for a fall harvest. Four Muscovy ducks (2 drakes) and 2 ducklings

All fed certified organic feed.

My 3 new babies!! A splash cockerel and a porcelain pair.

And my mystery kids. Their brothers look all boy at almost 5 months, but these two I can't tell. Definitely a wait and see situation.

Love em all they are beautiful

I got pictures of my broody Cochin, Jewel, while she was off her nest.
She tries really hard to sneak out when I am not around so I can worry about her. It has been colder here until today and it warmed up a little so she was glad to take her time and have a dust bath. She is so nasty to the rest of the flock when she is broody. Attacking anyone who comes near. She did get me today when I checked to make sure no other hens laid in there, she normally lets me check. She has not been letting them lay in there but I would hate to have a surprise chick that has to go in the incubator. I guess I would be quite nasty if I sat in a box all day and only got out once a day to eat, drink, and hopefully have time to bathe.

Love her really got to get some

Their combs are all so big!!! To me, a BR is what a "real chicken" looks like. I didn't realize I had that mindset until I hung a watercolor of a BR in my kitchen. I've had it for years, but didn't give it much thought. When we moved & I rehung it, we had already ordered chicks and I made the connection. Then when I was writing my historical romance, I was researching chickens from the 1930s and I found out then that the BR was the most popular backyard chicken for years. I guess I had some deep-seated ideas about BRs, who knows where from! Probably from antiques and things that have been around, but I know I wasn't mindful of them, because I didn't know any of the breeds until last winter. We probably will get more bantam BRs, and hopefully they will be as docile as Amy. My daughter carries her around quite a bit. I love her little plump shape, too. She's just a gem.

Re: Otis, he started crowing at 8 weeks, so we were pretty sure...from then on, it was a constant "cock-a-doodle-doo" watch. I am sure I asked for opinions on here, so you probably did speak up! I appreciate everyone's advice, experience, and wisdom. It has been a fun 9 mo or so from decision, clicking the order button, to our first eggs!

The egg I found tonight was underneath the temporary box I set out for them to try as a nest box. Oh, well. At least it was in the right vicinity (and not cracked)!
up till last year I was the same as far as the BR's go, but now I like them allot.

Im so excited I may pee my pants!!!
I have paint and splash silkie eggs coming from an awesome breeder!!!! I can't wait for Monday!!!!!

Oh and just to add from my previous post, It wasn't so much I didn't know what chickens I have as I know them all individually and I would definitely notice if one came up missing, I just have so many I never sat and actually counted them LOL!
I hope you don't pee your pants... might get some what uncomfortable...
Good hatching vibs coming your way
good morning.

I'm on Indy's west side, a 22 acre organic operation of hay, soybeans, popcorn and sometimes other things like spelt, sunflowers, sweet corn, etc. We're also a certified bee farm and honey producer.

We have about three dozen layers (about 5 of them are roos), ending our second summer. We started with a mix of RIR and barred rock, but our original rooster got so aggressive that he harmed people who can to help or work on the farm. So he went thru a succession of names. Originally named Rudy, it was changed to Randy (because he was) when he matured. His name was changed to Satan when he started hurting people, and finally, he became known as Crock Pot. He was my second kill, the first being a black sex link hen who started breaking eggs.

This spring we added all buff orpington, in hopes of gentler roos.

And we have three white turkeys maturing for a fall harvest. Four Muscovy ducks (2 drakes) and 2 ducklings

All fed certified organic feed.
Welcome! Sounds like you have an awesome farm!! Congrats on being an organic operation -- I know that usually means a lot more work, but I'm so thankful when farmers choose to grow their crops & raise animals organically instead of the chemical route. Wish you were closer -- I love popcorn & go through a lot of it every year -- would love to have organic popcorn!!
Welcome!  Sounds like you have an awesome farm!!  Congrats on being an organic operation -- I know that usually means a lot more work, but I'm so thankful when farmers choose to grow their crops & raise animals organically instead of the chemical route.  Wish you were closer -- I love popcorn & go through a lot of it every year -- would love to have organic popcorn!!

Thanks for the kind words. We can ship 1lb. Bags of kernels as well as honey. But we're about out of honey
For the chicken train, I don't have any of the breeds you requested but if you want a black australorp I have a few of those I could get to JCH...  or black stars from a HRIR rooster or a light splash from sumatras.  I have red stars and production RIR pullets but I seem to recall you wanting to avoid the less friendly breeds.  Although the red stars I have now are nice enough to me.

How much h do you want for the Black Austrolorps? How many do you have?
The lady I'm getting a couple BOs from said to tell chicken friends she has a SQ pair of OEGB BBReds she will sell for $15. If anyone is interested I can put you in touch with her.
I typed another post but it didn't go through, so I apologize if this has shown up twice! There is a girl (in VA, where I'm picking up some BOs from) she said to tell my chicken friends that she has a pair of OEGB Show Quality BB Reds she is willing to sell for $15.00.
If anyone is interested I am doing a chicken train from VA to Richmond IN. Will pick up birds in VA next Saturday and then they will b guaranteed at my home until the following Tuesday when I will drive to Richmond to deliver to the next leg of the train. (Hopefully JChny2000. (?)
I'm so excited!!!
I got 8 new silkie babies yesterday and 2 frizzles and 2 other cochins. They are so adorable. I got black and blue, I can't wait to see how they turn out and if I got girls or boys. So hopeing for lots of girls. I know one one the cochins I got is a boy ( he has a bigger comb) but I got him to go with the same color girl I already have. Also my DH got me some breeding cages done today. I will be using them in the spring for my bantam cochins and silkies and frizzle/silkie crosses. Right now some of our show bantams and one of my big girls are in there and they seem to like it. I think these cages will also make great broody spots for my girls next year.
some of my new babies

here is a pic of the new cages. They are in our garage on what used to be storage shelves

O I just have to show off my little frizzle Angel

and Skeeter
Would anybody mind sounding off on any pullets they have for sale or re-homing?

I wouldn't want to drive much further than Indy. And I'm pretty much done with chicks for the year unless someone has a breed I really want!!

I have had some predator attacks lately. My DF thought it was my dog, but she can't get inside the coop. (Vindicated!!)

The boys are on high alert and the girls are sticking close. I have the traps set and everything.

Thanks in advance for any postings.
I was thinking that too on the cracker shells....that someone may mistake it for shooting the shotgun at the birds. They also have a longer range for shooting and if folks are near neighbors, the range may be too long.

I also thought of the bottle rockets but they are pretty hard to aim well.

So I'm still thinking about getting the little launcher guns for the "bird bangers". No one can mistake that - especially if you can produce it and show that is what it's designed for. If I remember correctly, there are 2 different ranges that they shoot so you can get the one that makes sense w/your property. They also have the "screamers" that you can use with them instead of bangers if you prefer the scream :D

ETA: I might try a few bottle rockets first and see how well I can aim them :D
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