So frustrated right now! My chickens have figured out that the 100 gallon horse troughs contain water and I can't keep them off of them! They are flying up and perching on the edge to drink.

#1 it is only a matter of time before one falls in and drowns
#2 I don't want the horses drinking water with chicken poop in it (after drinking the chickens then turn around and sit on the edge....).

One of them figured it out today and within minutes there were six of them up there.

I think I am going to have to stop free ranging. I don't see the chickens "forgetting" about this. I am really upset about it! I like having the chickens out to be chickens! Has anyone else dealt with this? Any ideas? Anything I can think about constructing would just get torn down or demolished by my jerk horses. Any time anything "changes" in their domain they think it is a toy to be destroyed.
So frustrated right now! My chickens have figured out that the 100 gallon horse troughs contain water and I can't keep them off of them! They are flying up and perching on the edge to drink.

#1 it is only a matter of time before one falls in and drowns
#2 I don't want the horses drinking water with chicken poop in it (after drinking the chickens then turn around and sit on the edge....).

One of them figured it out today and within minutes there were six of them up there.

I think I am going to have to stop free ranging. I don't see the chickens "forgetting" about this. I am really upset about it! I like having the chickens out to be chickens! Has anyone else dealt with this? Any ideas? Anything I can think about constructing would just get torn down or demolished by my jerk horses. Any time anything "changes" in their domain they think it is a toy to be destroyed.

lemon juice the water for a few days and maybe the chickens won't like it anymore. Of course you might have to provide your horses with other water too for a few days.
How 'bout some chicken wire barrier that's hard for the chickens to set on top of but has an area the horses can access.... kind of like an extension of fencing up from the top to make it higher in most areas?

Maybe you could think on it and come up with an idea that would be a barrier for the chickens and still allow the horses to drink.

How 'bout some chicken wire barrier that's hard for the chickens to set on top of but has an area the horses can access.... kind of like an extension of fencing up from the top to make it higher in most areas? Maybe you could think on it and come up with an idea that would be a barrier for the chickens and still allow the horses to drink.
I like that idea! I would try it if I had this issue! ;)
How 'bout some chicken wire barrier that's hard for the chickens to set on top of but has an area the horses can access.... kind of like an extension of fencing up from the top to make it higher in most areas?

Maybe you could think on it and come up with an idea that would be a barrier for the chickens and still allow the horses to drink.


I think that the horses would mush chicken wire down with their heads or pull it off, but you are right that I need to come up with some sort of semi permanent but moveable barrier so I can still pull the trough out and clean it once a week. Maybe this spring I could fashion something with some extra 1" x 2" fencing I have. Hmmmmm. My horses seem to find fencing a challenge that must be destroyed. When I tried to use those plastic step in fence posts to block them out of one area they broke the posts into plastic mulch, no joke, and were ripping it out five times a day. But maybe if it really wasn't blocking anything off and if they could easily reach over it they would leave it alone. LOL tell that to the harmless and out of the way gutter that they keep pulling off the barn!
In the spring I will be adding a thermometer/hygrometer (humidity) inside the chicken coop, what is the magic number for the humidity levels?

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