Anyone interested in going in on a shipment of birds? Fellow BYCer git-r-done is selling out of breeder stocks of several different breeds. I've wanted his Russian Orlaf for some time. Last breed on my wish list. They are in OH but shipping is 50-60 and thought maybe someone else would like to get in on it. ??
Anyone interested in going in on a shipment of birds? Fellow BYCer git-r-done is selling out of breeder stocks of several different breeds. I've wanted his Russian Orlaf for some time. Last breed on my wish list. They are in OH but shipping is 50-60 and thought maybe someone else would like to get in on it. ??

Do you have a link to his sale or know what he's selling? Also, are you thinking of driving to pickup or still have shipped?
WOW!!! Guess what Tractor Supply did??

First the back story - about 2 1/2 weeks ago DD and I were at TSC. In the middle of the store right by the chicks was a giant puddle. It was a nice day but on the heels of bad weather. Of course she was looking at the chicks, and did not see the puddle. She wiped out hard and slammed her side into a display of boxes on pallets. Several people saw it happen and called for help. It took over 5 minutes for an employee to come which bothered me more than anything else b/c several people were asking them to come, they announced it over the loudspeaker more than once. Other customers wanted wanted to call 911. I knew she'd be OK, she is only 11 and resilient! She just had to get over the initial shock and pain. The associate manager finally made it to us and was pretty shooken up over the whole thing. He made an incident report and a few days later I got a call from headquarters - was she okay etc. They asked if she would use a gift card for TSC. I laughed - she would rather go to TSC than a toy store any day. THEY SENT HER A $100 GIFT CARD!!! I am in shock - never expected that! She is so excited to get some chicken stuff and maybe a shirt or who knows. Right now she is pretty excited that she wiped out in TSC!
WOW!!! Guess what Tractor Supply did??

First the back story - about 2 1/2 weeks ago DD and I were at TSC. In the middle of the store right by the chicks was a giant puddle. It was a nice day but on the heels of bad weather. Of course she was looking at the chicks, and did not see the puddle. She wiped out hard and slammed her side into a display of boxes on pallets. Several people saw it happen and called for help. It took over 5 minutes for an employee to come which bothered me more than anything else b/c several people were asking them to come, they announced it over the loudspeaker more than once. Other customers wanted wanted to call 911. I knew she'd be OK, she is only 11 and resilient! She just had to get over the initial shock and pain. The associate manager finally made it to us and was pretty shooken up over the whole thing. He made an incident report and a few days later I got a call from headquarters - was she okay etc. They asked if she would use a gift card for TSC. I laughed - she would rather go to TSC than a toy store any day. THEY SENT HER A $100 GIFT CARD!!! I am in shock - never expected that! She is so excited to get some chicken stuff and maybe a shirt or who knows. Right now she is pretty excited that she wiped out in TSC!

That's nice, but I'm not too surprised. Sadly in today's legal environment, they were probably afraid you might sue the store or company. If they make you happy, you won't file a claim. I'm glad it all worked out & your DD is happy. So, the question is: What kind of chicks will she be buying with the gift card?
Quote: @ellymayRans
Curious on the breeds too
That's nice, but I'm not too surprised.  Sadly in today's legal environment, they were probably afraid you might sue the store or company. If they make you happy, you won't file a claim.  I'm glad it all worked out & your DD is happy.  So, the question is:  What kind of chicks will she be buying with the gift card?
I won't be buying any chicks! They are out! :-( I am flyladyrocks's daughter btw and even if there would be chicks we are running out of room! But if there are silkies no one can stop me! So YOU NEED TO FALL AT TSC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just kiddin! :lau
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So I am a bit irritated and not sure if I am being irrational in my irritation. I purchased a set of eggs on one of the other threads, paid on Monday. The eggs were supposed to ship on Tuesday. On Wednesday I get a PM that the person had an emergency and wouldn't ship them until Thursday. I responded back that I was fine with that, but asked if fresh eggs would be included because I worried they wouldn't get here until Monday if shipped Thursday, and the eggs were gathered more than a week ago. I got no response. I sent another PM asking if the eggs have shipped and got no response. What is the protocol here? The eggs I purchased a day later have already been delivered. I did a search and this person does not seem to have any black marks as a seller, but I really am not even sure I want to deal with this any longer and don't want a third hatch date to deal with. Is my irritation warranted or is this fairly common? Boo.

I would vote it depends on the emergency. You can see when the last time that member logged into BYC but messages go to emails too. Still if a person does not have the time to log into BYC, its possible that they had a real true emergency come up and its all they can do to take care of immediate pressing concerns.
One example might be the birth of a new baby. If its the first the dad might even be living at the hospital, especially if it happened to be a premie. There there is the opposite, a seemingly healthy person gets the notice of a week or less to live because of a giant tumor or whatever.
Paypal gives you 30 days I think to file a claim. So even if you don't end up with eggs you can get your money back.

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