Anyone able to confirm my suspicions that I have 3 cockerels and a pullet? If so, who wants a cockerel or two? Lol

i would agree with you....seems to me that most of the inbred show quality barred rocks come out male...i have gotten day olds...most of them are males...and hatched some from a different person...and most of them seems to be males...i was told to let them grow out and pick the best male...might have some that dont have yellow feet, and such...thought i would share...they take forever to feather in as well
So with the three full grown hens can two chicks for free along with their water feeder and lamp. So we went to rural king Saturday to get more chicken feed and couldn't resist getting them some friends. So a minimum of 6 chicks was required so we got 2 barred rock 1 white leghorn 1 light brahma 1 buff orph and 1 black jersey giant. Also 2 ducks a pekin and an Indian runner. The two that were given to us are unknown breed or sex. The rest are pullets.

The red one and the brown with black are the two unknown that were free.


Originally Posted by minmin1258
Something else I need to say, I'm having some pretty serious health issues and may be needing to change my plans to attend Chickenfest this year. Now the problem, I was going to be doing the decorations and food. If there is someone willing to help Barb with these projects I'll send the things I have to you, and you can go from there. I'll explain what I was going to use the items for and help in anyway I can from a distance and possibly from a hospital bed. Please forgive my pulling out at this late time but if I continue the way I've been for the last few month I will be permanently in a wheel chair soon. Thank you for you help, patience and understanding.

@minmin1258 What terrible news about your health!! Please keep us informed. We all care about you! I will take over your Chickenfest duties because I have been wanting to get involved with helping out. I will contact @barb s

Nice mushrooms! I was changing TV channels the other night and ran across the NatGeo show, "Filthy Riches" about people who earn a living in unusual ways (hunting ginseng or mushrooms, blood worms, eels, tree burls, etc.) It was fascinating! One group searched for giant Hen of the Woods and Chicken mushrooms.
@kittydoc ~ Love your Jubilee Orp chick photos! Beautiful!

Also ~ Very sad story about the chicks you sold, but Great advice about supervising children with chicks and/or chickens! ran out of ovations since I have been catching up from four days of posts.
I personally would be worried about toddlers possibly being exposed to salmonella, but that's a whole other issue.
As I mentioned, I’ve been catching up on four days of missed posts. I was shocked to read @kabhyper1 's post about leaving the thread because she felt that she upset others by stating her opinions. Kab/Kelly has been a loyal, insightful thread member for a long time, and it would be a big loss if she leaves!

I was lucky enough to stumble upon this thread a few months after @jchny2000 /Janet started it a little over three years ago. Chickens were totally new to me at that time and belonging to a thread was a new experience as well.

Not only have chickens opened up a new world to me, but this thread has also enriched my life. Our members are diverse: all ages, both country and city dwellers, various socio-economic and education levels, some have children, some don’t, most have other animals besides chickens, and some mainly raise chickens for healthful food or breeding or for egg-producing pets.

Considering our diverse group of interesting people, we’ve had minimal issues arise on this thread because Janet has always insisted upon respect for the opinions of our members. One issue that occurred in the past is that several members (myself included) at times tended to instruct others to do things a certain way. I believe that members’ intentions were to be helpful, but the posts were perceived as bossy and offensive--—and rightly so. We learned that suggesting options is preferred over telling someone that they must use a specific method.

I have learned and am continually learning SO much about different methods of raising chickens (and there are many!) I appreciate reading our members’ unique experiences that they take the time to share on this thread.

I’ve also learned that advice is not one-size-fits-all – it’s dependent on a member’s personal situation, vision, and goals. For me, I read, research, and ultimately use my own intuition to make decisions that I feel are best for my flock.

Our Indiana thread is known for being respectful and all-inclusive (even members from other states!) Hopefully we can keep in mind that opinions are opinions and need not be taken personally. Diversity is what makes our thread so intriguing, educational, and fun!

@bradselig While you're at it, put some black-barred-cuckoo-whatever silkie eggs in your incubator. No need to wait until next spring.
Guess what?! I can speak turkey! Don't believe me? See for yourself!

See I told you! I need to work on my accent. I think we were arguing.

I have been wanting to speak turkey or chicken! My brother speaks chicken I speak turkey!
I need help from the masses. One of my Jubilee hens (a little over a year old) is lethargic, sleepy, not moving much, with a high fever (didn't use a thermometer, but her vent just about cooked my finger). No discharges anywhere. No comb discoloration. No visible wounds. Nothing in her crop, nothing I felt in her vent as far as my finger would go except a tiny amount of poop.

I've given her an injection of penicillin, a tepid bath, and am getting ready to give her some subcutaneous fluids.

Thoughts??? I noticed her acting "sleepy" yesterday, but it was nearly bedtime so I didn't think anything of it. Today she had her eyes closed right through DH running the rototiller and the rest of the flock in full freak-out mode, which is when I decided she needed to be brought inside.

All I can think of is symptomatic and supportive care at the moment.


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