Anybody know if Townline crosses Penedesencas and Marans to their Welsummers to "improve" them? My roo looks to be developing a crown comb and the oldest hen has unshaven legs. They're not really "feathered" the way my Brahmas are, but she has teeny tiny stubble feathers poking out between the scales on her legs. I'm starting to think my opinion of Townline can't get lower. I've already caught them shipping the wrong breeds to Rural King and trying to say they're Easter Eggers are purebred... but is this going a mite too far? Plus, all my Wyandottes have the wrong combs. So glad I'm not showing any chickens.
Been super busy around here so haven't been on for a while. At first I thought I'd try to catch up, but then settled on just the last few pages. So congratulations, condolences, good wishes, and welcomes to anyone who has needed or deserved them!

I had thought about going to the Southern Ohio show this weekend, but they sent back my entry saying Indiana people weren't welcome this time (because of the AI incident in Whitley county). I had been debating whether I wanted to take my birds around others anyhow until the AI dies down (hopefully it will, and soon!).

So this segues to the next topic: I had a vet from the BOAH test my flock today. Within the last week 3 birds died and another is down but still breathing, so I panicked and called them. The samples won't be tested until Tuesday, but he didn't think it looked like AI but more like a coincidence that it all happened within a few days. So I'm quarantined until he gets back to me, which is okay--didn't plan on going anywhere around birds anyhow. I'm not going to bite my nails until then--nothing I can do about it in any case so may as well go about business as usual.
First of all, thank you to everyone who welcomed me and gave me advice. I appreciate it.

We got our chickens today! The wonderful lady who gave them to us brought them over and dropped them off. I am so excited! They are currently cooped up for the next several days then we will let them free range. She suggested making a little pen/fenced area for their first couple days out so they can't get too far away and forget where home is, and then slowly expand it out from there. Has anyone tried this method? Is it necessary or is it fine to just let them out after their several days in the coop?

I can't remember everything she said about the breeds. There are 11 hens. 1 is a black sex link, 1 is a white something (that lays white eggs) and I think there are some isa Then I think there are 2 other kinds. All of the chickens lay brown eggs except the white one who lays white and the black one who lays pink. I got a few pictures through the mesh, maybe you can help me identify them?

And then a few local questions.

Does anyone in the Fort Wayne area (we are north of Fort Wayne, so even up past auburn would work too) have fertilized eggs they would be willing to sell me when I need them? The lady said one of the chickens likes to go broody and I would love to be able to give her some eggs to hatch when she does. I'm not picky on the breed, I am fine with random mixes, they do not have to be purebred (although I would love to get some blue eggs!). What I look for in a chicken is good forager, family friendly, and good layer. I would also love to get some meat birds some day so eggs from meat type birds would be good too.

Oh and random question, can chickens hatch turkey and duck eggs? Are they good mothers to the babies? If turkeys are raised from eggs are turkeys still a problem to put with chickens? (I have heard there is some problem with some getting sick or something? If it works does anyone in my area have fertilized turkey eggs they would be willing to sell me when I need them?

And I saw that someone on here allows people to come watch on butchering day, does anyone in our area do that? I would be interested in observing the process so when that time comes we will be ready.

Thanks all!

Here are some pictures



First of all, thank you to everyone who welcomed me and gave me advice. I appreciate it.

We got our chickens today! The wonderful lady who gave them to us brought them over and dropped them off. I am so excited! They are currently cooped up for the next several days then we will let them free range. She suggested making a little pen/fenced area for their first couple days out so they can't get too far away and forget where home is, and then slowly expand it out from there. Has anyone tried this method? Is it necessary or is it fine to just let them out after their several days in the coop?

I can't remember everything she said about the breeds. There are 11 hens. 1 is a black sex link, 1 is a white something (that lays white eggs) and I think there are some isa Then I think there are 2 other kinds. All of the chickens lay brown eggs except the white one who lays white and the black one who lays pink. I got a few pictures through the mesh, maybe you can help me identify them?

And then a few local questions.

Does anyone in the Fort Wayne area (we are north of Fort Wayne, so even up past auburn would work too) have fertilized eggs they would be willing to sell me when I need them? The lady said one of the chickens likes to go broody and I would love to be able to give her some eggs to hatch when she does. I'm not picky on the breed, I am fine with random mixes, they do not have to be purebred (although I would love to get some blue eggs!). What I look for in a chicken is good forager, family friendly, and good layer. I would also love to get some meat birds some day so eggs from meat type birds would be good too.

Oh and random question, can chickens hatch turkey and duck eggs? Are they good mothers to the babies? If turkeys are raised from eggs are turkeys still a problem to put with chickens? (I have heard there is some problem with some getting sick or something? If it works does anyone in my area have fertilized turkey eggs they would be willing to sell me when I need them?

And I saw that someone on here allows people to come watch on butchering day, does anyone in our area do that? I would be interested in observing the process so when that time comes we will be ready.

Thanks all!

Here are some pictures



to me it looks like the white one looks like a white leghorn and the brown look like golded comets. l'm not sure about the dark brown.
Congrats on your chickens! It is a good idea to gradually expand their territory so they know where home is. But they should be fine in your run and coop. It is supposed to get pretty hot here this week so if it is up there too then it may be too hot to keep them in the coop.

I think Leghorn is the best guess for a white chicken laying white eggs.

I am raising my three turkeys with my chicks and they will be together most of their lives. Once they get bigger they will have a separate sleeping area. They are only 6:weeks old now.

The disease chickens carry that makes turkeys really sick is blackhead. Before I got my turkeys I talked to the vet who is a turkey expert at the state Board of Animal Health (BOAH) and found out there have been no known cases of blackhead in my county for years. So before you get turkeys find out about blackhead in your area. I called our 4h extension, they gave me the number for the BOAH and they Gave me the turkey expert - not sure if it is the same guy for the whole state.

First of all, thank you to everyone who welcomed me and gave me advice. I appreciate it.

We got our chickens today! The wonderful lady who gave them to us brought them over and dropped them off. I am so excited! They are currently cooped up for the next several days then we will let them free range. She suggested making a little pen/fenced area for their first couple days out so they can't get too far away and forget where home is, and then slowly expand it out from there. Has anyone tried this method? Is it necessary or is it fine to just let them out after their several days in the coop?

I can't remember everything she said about the breeds. There are 11 hens. 1 is a black sex link, 1 is a white something (that lays white eggs) and I think there are some isa Then I think there are 2 other kinds. All of the chickens lay brown eggs except the white one who lays white and the black one who lays pink. I got a few pictures through the mesh, maybe you can help me identify them?

And then a few local questions.

Does anyone in the Fort Wayne area (we are north of Fort Wayne, so even up past auburn would work too) have fertilized eggs they would be willing to sell me when I need them? The lady said one of the chickens likes to go broody and I would love to be able to give her some eggs to hatch when she does. I'm not picky on the breed, I am fine with random mixes, they do not have to be purebred (although I would love to get some blue eggs!). What I look for in a chicken is good forager, family friendly, and good layer. I would also love to get some meat birds some day so eggs from meat type birds would be good too.

Oh and random question, can chickens hatch turkey and duck eggs? Are they good mothers to the babies? If turkeys are raised from eggs are turkeys still a problem to put with chickens? (I have heard there is some problem with some getting sick or something? If it works does anyone in my area have fertilized turkey eggs they would be willing to sell me when I need them?

And I saw that someone on here allows people to come watch on butchering day, does anyone in our area do that? I would be interested in observing the process so when that time comes we will be ready.

Thanks all!

Here are some pictures



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Trapped a skunk out by my coop last night. Now it STINKS back there! I think it was to blame for my chick disappearances. Would a skunk eat a chick whole, feathers and all? Anyone got a good way to get rid of the smell?
Trapped a skunk out by my coop last night. Now it STINKS back there! I think it was to blame for my chick disappearances. Would a skunk eat a chick whole, feathers and all? Anyone got a good way to get rid of the smell?
We know all about removing the stink from our dogs. (One was living in our backyard last fall, so treating our dogs was a weekly event.) The Standard Skunk Remedy Recipe is:

In a plastic bucket, mix well the following ingredients:
1 quart of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
1/4 cup of baking soda
1 to 2 teaspoons liquid soap - like Dawn

Then you rub the concoction into fur, let it soak for maybe 5 min, rinse, & repeat as needed. Finally, wash as normal. We tried something from a pet store one of the times, but the above recipe actually worked better. I would guess using the concoction to wash items in the area would help with the smell.
Trapped a skunk out by my coop last night. Now it STINKS back there! I think it was to blame for my chick disappearances. Would a skunk eat a chick whole, feathers and all? Anyone got a good way to get rid of the smell?
I have thankfully never had to deal with skunks and their odor but a friend previous co-worker was told to use oxiclean to remove skunk odor!
anybody want some free japanese bantams? i've been trying to sell them on craigslist for about three weeks now, nothing but flaky people who waste my time and don't show up. i just hatched new chicks and need the brooder space like yesterday. they're about 3 months old, 3 are cockerels, will throw in a pullet if you take them all. 2 black/white mottled (1 is frizzled), 1 dark grey/white mottle, pullet is black but may end up birchen. message me ASAP, thanks. edit: slightly north of bloomington

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