Thought I would spam you all with some pictures because there is nothing else I should be doing now! (HA!!)

I could use help identifying a couple of these too! I took these a week ago, I can't believe how much they have changed since then!

Anyone tell me what this is? Frizzled Cochin bantam perhaps? She was supposedly a sizzle, but there is no crest. I don't think there are 5 toes either, but there are so many feathers on her feet it is hard to find her toes! Hope this is a she because her name is River Song (any Doctor Who fans out there?) She was all black until last Monday and then the buff feathers started growing in. I think she now has twice the feathers she had in this pic!

Diva, the showgirl

These are all supposed to be polish, but the middle one has no crest - any thoughts? There seems to be a tiny little poof right now so maybe a late bloomer? This is Oreo, Ebony and Allie

These are 2 of the Buckeyes and the Turken - Tiana. We have several names picked out for Buckeyes but can't decide who is who yet!

This is Chipmunk, one of the OEs from @jchny2000
this baby had the biggest puffiest WHITE face and the chipmunk stripes, like a chipmunk so hence the name! Now Chipmunk has traded the white poofy face for black poof and still has the poofiest face of all the EEs and OEs. Queen Esther (another OE) is looking at Chipmunk and Turkeys are in the background.

I better stop. DD wants to post too so I will let her post some pics!
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I just went out to let my chickens out to run around. For some weird reason i went and looked in the nesting boxs,not like I've seen anything in there for weeks. There they were 2 brown eggs:weee yes, thats right I'm going to go make some cookies right now!!!! Hehe thats cuz i have no clean egg cartons.
I love my pet sitter. I can't express enough appreciation for her. I'm away from home for work, and she's taking care of all our critters. Not only that, but she knows how I hate to leave the chicks, so she texted me great is she?

While out here for work, DW is with me, we went to the SanFran Ferry Bldg which houses their main farmers market. Saw eggs there for sale for $12.00 per doz. Went to Marin County cheese trail and found eggs for the bargin price of $10. I'm not charging enough!

Plus, all the creameries out here made me want to learn how to make cheese!
Home at the end of this week to pet and kiss the sweet chicks! Chickcrazed--can you tell yet which is the Bielie girl?
I love my pet sitter. I can't express enough appreciation for her. I'm away from home for work, and she's taking care of all our critters. Not only that, but she knows how I hate to leave the chicks, so she texted me great is she?

While out here for work, DW is with me, we went to the SanFran Ferry Bldg which houses their main farmers market. Saw eggs there for sale for $12.00 per doz. Went to Marin County cheese trail and found eggs for the bargin price of $10. I'm not charging enough!

Plus, all the creameries out here made me want to learn how to make cheese!
Home at the end of this week to pet and kiss the sweet chicks! Chickcrazed--can you tell yet which is the Bielie girl?

Surely these are hatching eggs, right?!?!
I'm still having no luck finding any heritage breed turkeys!!!

Have had ads on Craigslist and Facebook groups posted for a month and nothing. Can't even find anyone interested in splitting an order from a hatchery. I don't even need people interested in turkeys as most hatcheries will mix with chicks. But no interest. Ack!!!!

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