I don't have a run. But the coop is inside a barn and is about 8 by 12 for only 3 full grown hens. If they get spooked they run for the barn. Hey don't necessarily have to go in the coop they can roam around the barn too.

I'm just looking for a few more laying age hens and a roo for some extra group protection when they free range.

I have 2 Unknown sex unknown breed chicks who are about 6 weeks old and then 6 pulleys who are between a 1 to 3 weeks old. Also 2 ducklings who are about 2 weeks old.
I have plenty of roosters if you decide you want to travel south for a day. you could get all kinds of birds by visiting several members either along the way or even close to me. I also have started pullets. Right now my barred rocks are at the point of laying at 20 weeks old.
Sad day today. I can honestly say after all the years of raising birds and even most of our other critters I've only cried 2ce maybe. I'm not sure why but I'm just kinda knumb to death. Don't get me wrong. I get sad and more of a desperate feeling when I've experienced loss in the past.

I cry more at movies than real life experiences for some reason.

I was awoken by my DH yelling for me with such desperation saying Oh No, Oh my gosh over and over and that I had to come in the living room. I immediately looked out my bedroom window thinking the pool had caved or something because of how awful he sounded. As I'm coming down the hall to him he says Oh Mandy, Dale has your peachick. Yeah, my sweet pea was killed by my own cat! I had it in a large box and I've only had 1 of our cats (we had 5) kill a small chick that I had in a small box on the ground that I didn't know he would do that. We have chick's all the time. Inside and outside. Bantams..etc

Let me tell you; I held that baby and cried my eyes out. I have been so distraught all day. I had such high hopes as my second had hatched yesterday and luckily it was still in the bator fluffing up.

The final count though is 1 lone pea for the moment. It's got a ticking to its breathing and I question that it will pull through it all. The other 2 eggs 1 died before it internally pipped and the other had externally pipped but died before zipping.

Sorry, long post I know. Just so consumed with grief really.
So sorry for you loss it hurts my heart even more when it is another of our own pets that do the bad dead.

So sorry you lost your baby!

We lost our little turkey yesterday to one of our dogs. It was a BBwhite and I know they aren't meant to live long anyway but it was just the friendliest little thing and we're really going to miss it! The BBB that was growing up with it has been peeping and calling for the other and I just hate it. Bad dog.
The thread is just full of bad news, so sorry for your loss as well really sucks.

Some of my quotes didnt show so @chickcrazed and the rest that aren't having very good luck I'm sorry to hear it it just seems when bad luck hits it hits more than just once. I never know what to say at times like these.

I have been busy as all get out around here, horses got out and took goat with them and so we have been fixing fences and just trying to make them stronger and better electric charger ect...

The surprise chicks are doing great, the unexpected goat kid is doing awesome, mom is not so good of a mom so baby gets 2 bottles a day and he really dont care for it at all.

The RK chicks are getting big and are now free ranging in the back yard and loving it.

My SLW that DH got me are growing, ( I was worried for a few ) it sees it took forever for that to start.

Now I have something very strange for ya all to check out, this is not the best for young eyes to see so please parents look at it first. I sell hatching eggs and a woman that bought some sent me a video of one of the chicks that hatched. It had a extra set of legs detached with it and it's head is misshapen. I am wondering if any of you have ever had this happen to you or know anything about y it would happen. I am wondering if maybe it could have been a double yoker? The woman is thinking maybe that was it to.

On a different note, I had a broody BJG that hatched and raise chicks last year and has gone broody this year, she started out with 13 eggs under her. on day 10 I found a empty shell with just a golf ball size whole in it at the front of her brooder, but that same day I found a black snake not too far from her brooder, so I thought it had found a way in and it ate the egg. 2 days latter I found her eating one of her eggs, I thought it might have been a protean thing, so I started feeding her red worms and live meal worms, I found no more shells so I THOUGHT I fixed the problem. Today ( day 20 ) she was off the nest eat and I saw only 3 eggs left in her nest, so she is still eating the chicks shells and all cause there are no left overs in the brooder. So I booted her back out with the others and put the last 3 eggs in the incubator.
My biggest problem is what do I do now?
I have eggs in the bator already that are only on day 17, so I need to turn them but if I keep opening the bator to turn them is it going to mess up the 3 I just put in that should hatch today or tomorrow???? Please someone tell me what to do cause I just don't know. this is my first incubator hatch.
Sad day today. I can honestly say after all the years of raising birds and even most of our other critters I've only cried 2ce maybe. I'm not sure why but I'm just kinda knumb to death. Don't get me wrong. I get sad and more of a desperate feeling when I've experienced loss in the past.

I cry more at movies than real life experiences for some reason.

I was awoken by my DH yelling for me with such desperation saying Oh No, Oh my gosh over and over and that I had to come in the living room. I immediately looked out my bedroom window thinking the pool had caved or something because of how awful he sounded. As I'm coming down the hall to him he says Oh Mandy, Dale has your peachick. Yeah, my sweet pea was killed by my own cat! I had it in a large box and I've only had 1 of our cats (we had 5) kill a small chick that I had in a small box on the ground that I didn't know he would do that. We have chick's all the time. Inside and outside. Bantams..etc

Let me tell you; I held that baby and cried my eyes out. I have been so distraught all day. I had such high hopes as my second had hatched yesterday and luckily it was still in the bator fluffing up.

The final count though is 1 lone pea for the moment. It's got a ticking to its breathing and I question that it will pull through it all. The other 2 eggs 1 died before it internally pipped and the other had externally pipped but died before zipping.

Sorry, long post I know. Just so consumed with grief really.
Now I have something very strange for ya all to check out, this is not the best for young eyes to see so please parents look at it first. I sell hatching eggs and a woman that bought some sent me a video of one of the chicks that hatched. It had a extra set of legs detached with it and it's head is misshapen. I am wondering if any of you have ever had this happen to you or know anything about y it would happen. I am wondering if maybe it could have been a double yoker? The woman is thinking maybe that was it to.
I got a really cool email from Purdue last night, asking if they could bring some of the new residents out to see my birds/farm. It is so hard to find a vet willing to look at a live chicken, I am super excited to have several looking over my birds for anything I might have missed! I would also assume I will get some great tips on my setup and get some scoop on the AI scare. Super excited! Did anyone else get the email? It should occur some time in June!
A trip south would definitely fix my problems but I don't have any time to get down there until July. Plus I hate to transport chickens to terribly far. North side of Indy is probably my limit that's about 2 and a half hours one way. Maybe less now with the bypass in Kokomo.
In other news I moved 4 of the chicks and the two ducks from the brooder (a huge Rubbermaid water trough) to the coop. Two are about 6 weeks old and 2 are 4 weeks old (I'm guessing). They're all starting or mostly feathered. The ducks are only like 2 or 3 weeks old but are too big and messy for the brooder already. My barred rocks are still super tiny. I'm almost wondering if they were mislabeled and are bantams. I'll have to get pics tonight. They should only be a week younger than the other two at most or the same age (from rural king) but are so small still.
I got a really cool email from Purdue last night, asking if they could bring some of the new residents out to see my birds/farm. It is so hard to find a vet willing to look at a live chicken, I am super excited to have several looking over my birds for anything I might have missed! I would also assume I will get some great tips on my setup and get some scoop on the AI scare. Super excited! Did anyone else get the email? It should occur some time in June!
I got a written letter telling me about it. I think it is from a check box on the egg test somewhere. I get a new egg test form every so often too.
I choose not to have them out here. I have too much going on to be out there with them and answer any questions they might have. But it looked like a nice educational program. My letter even mentioned full Bio Security Measures including Bio suits. I felt bad for the students then as those things have to be hot.
Is it dangerous to buy hatching eggs from other farms? Is there an chance of transference with eggs?
I think the danger is very low with hatching eggs. The chance is there from poo or dust on the eggs, but I would say it is low risk.

The honeybees are doing really well, we started the year with 5 (having lost 2 over the winter), sold 3 and with all the swarms are now up to 6. DH made a special frame to hatch queen bees. The workers have taken to caring for the frame already and we are hopeful to have 20 new queens in the next 2 weeks. Takes 16 days for them to go from egg to queen.

This is fascinating. We have bees and I'd never seen anything like this. I passed it on to my partner to see if he had seen it. I can totally see him making one of these.
I think the danger is very low with hatching eggs. The chance is there from poo or dust on the eggs, but I would say it is low risk.

This is fascinating. We have bees and I'd never seen anything like this. I passed it on to my partner to see if he had seen it. I can totally see him making one of these.
DH made the queen rack based off of his fav bee mentor, the fat bee man. :)


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