I need some help PLEASE!!!!
I want to deworm my flock, I have over 50 birds, so doing each one individually is not something I can do. I bought ivermectin pour on and I also bought safe guard for dogs( this is a packet of stuff that you can dissolve in water). My question is which one is better and at what dose do I give. the dog stuff says it has 4g per packet or 4000mg. I was thinking of dissolving one packet in the water. I have almost 30 birds in the one area, would this be enough or not enough. I just don't want to kill them, I already lost over 20 chickens last week to a horrible 2 day attack from coons, I cant handle loosing anymore. I just need to know dosages please.
There will be a Public Hearing for the Metropolitan Development Commission in the Public Assembly Room., 2nd Floor of the City-County Building, 200 E. Washington St. 1:00 PM Indy Rezone will be presented then.

Apparently it was published in the paper - the only notice that they legally must do. We cannot find any official published notice online unless you count this statement "The Commission will consider the draft on June 17, 2015." which is found here

Info is supposed to be here - but the link does not work and I've tried in multiple browsers:

They claim there were over 135 public meetings where this was discussed - they didn't publish them on facebook or their now nonexistant website or anywhere easy to find on - I checked monthly this past year.

If you are in Indianapolis,take a few moments, make a call, send and e-mail and ask how the public is supposed to know - LOTS of people do not get the newspaper - let them know your concerns.
the e-mail quoted above came from:
Tammara Tracy 327-7834 [email protected]
John Neal 327-5265 [email protected]

And if at all possible - come to the meeting tomorrow, and then to the Council meeting. Make your Voice Heard! We need a LARGE Public presence!

I have RIR and they are 5 months or 19 weeks when are they going to lay eggs or what can I do to help them lay eggs
Its a bit late for this group of chicks, but typically chicks fed a higher protein grower food will mature a bit faster. So an 18% starter or all flock is the starting point, then if you can increase the protein by mixing in liver, or other high protein feed that helps. Or you can ferment the feed to help make the protein more easily absorbed by the chickens. But right now at 19 weeks unless its a heritage breed, any changes could actually delay them from laying. Of course make sure they are being let out of the coop early enough to get the long daylight.
4 cute marans babies out and a grouchy momma bird! Hopefully she'll protect he chicks better than the last mommy! Speaking of that stupid bird; she wants to hatch chicks again, not happening!
Well, I'm back again. LOL. Mama kicked the rest of the eggs out of the nest and while doing that she accidentally killed her only hatching poult, or it was hurt while both broodys were in the box. So we put more eggs under her, kicked out the the part time broody hen, and gave mama an enclosure of her own. She has been sitting diligently for the past 26 days. I candled 4 of the 6 eggs (2 days ago) under her and saw lots of veins and poults moving. Beaks heading towards the air sack. So have left them alone since. Should be hatching soon. And I'm getting nervous lol. I checked while she was off the nest this morning. No external pips.

I have had another turkey hen go broody, (not the PT broody) and we put her in her own enclosure after a week. She's sitting on 10 eggs. She chose the chicken coup by the nesting boxes. Needless to say, the hens wanted that prime real estate property to lay their eggs. So about a week of that and shes now in her own condo, and loving it and the hens are back to their rentals lol. She hatches in about 2 weeks.

Then I have PT broody to deal with. She has 5 eggs. The problem with her is she has not committed to the nest yet. And I'm guessing she won't. So I go out to the turkey coup, well because I had 4 toms outside the door, 2 just sitting there and 2 pacing back and forth. Hmmm what trouble is she up to now I'm thinking. I get out there, and she's bickering with another tom over her nest. The tom won! He has been sitting on her nest for the past 4 days. Gets up to eat, drink and poo and back on the nest he goes. I do believe she has given up her nest. Shes back to laying again. Smaller eggs than normal, but laying she is, 1 yesterday morning and one today.

So now my question is, will he stay on the nest to hatch them out or should I just remove the eggs? They have been sat on for the last 9 days. I also had 2 chickens try to take the nest from him and go broody, they were laying on him for 2 of his 4 days. They both gave up!

Welcome to my world of Broody Drama....

Sorry to hear this.

I don't have any advice, but just wanted to let you know we are experiencing a similar situation here with our turkeys. "Broody Drama" is a perfect description. I was just out in our coop checking on them and came out totally frustrated.

I'm sure someone here will come to the rescue with plenty of good advice for you. I'll be watching.
@AldenK Welcome to the Indiana Thread! We're happy to include people from other states, countries, and planets. lol Check out the links at the bottom of my post for more info about our great thread.
Misters to keep chicken areas cool ~

Originally posted by flyladyrocks
Great picture! We have the chicken mister too. DD has this misting fan she will walk around misting the chickens with. So bummed my mister is not working right.

@flyladyrocks You might try soaking your mister nozzles in distilled vinegar overnight. It could be that hard water minerals clogged it up. We have a Misty Mate patio mister (bought at Sam's Club), which has to regularly be cleaned with vinegar. I was just looking online, and noticed that they have some other cool products like a fan ring and a mister for a large umbrella.
Misting Systems at ...
My new brooder setup, 10 ft by 6 ft pool, 18 inches tall for $30! Lots of growing room for the new kids! I figure I can de-flate it when I don't have chicks. It was hilarious watching them dash around their new digs yesterday! They are enjoying all the space and are just figuring out the whole running thing!

The pool rubber seems very thick, but it could be an issue later it is true. However for $30 it is worth a try! I will add you to my list. I like to give my flock a break in the winter so I don't put lights on them until January. I will probably look to start hatching late Feb/early March. I will reach out to my "list" in January to figure out how many and when to shoot for.

I wonder if you couldn't add a liner of sorts (either a folded tarp, stall mat, etc.) that would provide a layer of protection for the pool floor to protect against potential puncture? A tarp could also go up over the sides and protect against any potential damage by them pecking at the sides. Granted, that adds a step and cost to your attempt to have a simple, cheap brooder option.....

Nice idea for a giant brooder!

A tarp costs a little money. if you're looking for a free liner, try cutting a feed bag (along bottom & down the side. It's like a plastic tarp & you probably already have them on hand.
@AldenK Welcome to the Indiana Thread! We're happy to include people from other states, countries, and planets. lol Check out the links at the bottom of my post for more info about our great thread.
Misters to keep chicken areas cool ~

Originally posted by flyladyrocks
Great picture! We have the chicken mister too. DD has this misting fan she will walk around misting the chickens with. So bummed my mister is not working right.

@flyladyrocks You might try soaking your mister nozzles in distilled vinegar overnight. It could be that hard water minerals clogged it up. We have a Misty Mate patio mister (bought at Sam's Club), which has to regularly be cleaned with vinegar. I was just looking online, and noticed that they have some other cool products like a fan ring and a mister for a large umbrella.
Misting Systems at ..
Well, I'm back again. LOL. Mama kicked the rest of the eggs out of the nest and while doing that she accidentally killed her only hatching poult, or it was hurt while both broodys were in the box. So we put more eggs under her, kicked out the the part time broody hen, and gave mama an enclosure of her own. She has been sitting diligently for the past 26 days. I candled 4 of the 6 eggs (2 days ago) under her and saw lots of veins and poults moving. Beaks heading towards the air sack. So have left them alone since. Should be hatching soon. And I'm getting nervous lol. I checked while she was off the nest this morning. No external pips.

I have had another turkey hen go broody, (not the PT broody) and we put her in her own enclosure after a week. She's sitting on 10 eggs. She chose the chicken coup by the nesting boxes. Needless to say, the hens wanted that prime real estate property to lay their eggs. So about a week of that and shes now in her own condo, and loving it and the hens are back to their rentals lol. She hatches in about 2 weeks.

Then I have PT broody to deal with. She has 5 eggs. The problem with her is she has not committed to the nest yet. And I'm guessing she won't. So I go out to the turkey coup, well because I had 4 toms outside the door, 2 just sitting there and 2 pacing back and forth. Hmmm what trouble is she up to now I'm thinking. I get out there, and she's bickering with another tom over her nest. The tom won! He has been sitting on her nest for the past 4 days. Gets up to eat, drink and poo and back on the nest he goes. I do believe she has given up her nest. Shes back to laying again. Smaller eggs than normal, but laying she is, 1 yesterday morning and one today.

So now my question is, will he stay on the nest to hatch them out or should I just remove the eggs? They have been sat on for the last 9 days. I also had 2 chickens try to take the nest from him and go broody, they were laying on him for 2 of his 4 days. They both gave up!

Welcome to my world of Broody Drama....

Very interesting! I didn't know male turkeys sometimes sat on eggs (I googled for more info after reading your post). Your Tom is very responsible! I wonder what he thought when hens laid eggs on top of him!

Funny story about your broody turkey hen taking over the chicken coop!

Crazy days at your place. You'll have to put up a sign!

Very interesting! I didn't know male turkeys sometimes sat on eggs (I googled for more info after reading your post). Your Tom is very responsible! I wonder what he thought when hens laid eggs on top of him!

Funny story about your broody turkey hen taking over the chicken coop!

Crazy days at your place. You'll have to put up a sign!

He just waited until they were done and he tucked them under him, just like a broody would. He is truly surprising me. He wasn't on the "keeper" list. I only wanted to keep 2 toms, and thought I had them picked out. In fact, he killed one of my other toms about 3 months ago. I'm just not sure if he was the aggressor or the defender. I do know he was the only living tom with any blood on him at all. I have had 0 similar problems since the death of the other tom, and peace for the most part from all 5 toms. I may need to re-evaluate my tom situation.


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