I got my first egg today! A little green one. I asked my husband to hold it for me while I finished raking out the coop and one of my fake Rhodies was staring at it in his hand. He asked if it was hers and she gave him a "well you're stupid" look and wondered off. I told him that she should lay a brown egg. In my defense for being so condescending, he had called me goofy for how excited I was.
lol I still get excited when I get a new egg from a new hen

I hope you're talking about the 1st egg.
lol I do too

Chicken math...what's one more?
yeah whats 1 ... no wait 2 more, you can have mine too.... you already have some of his old flock mates... this is the one I got while I was at your place to get the goat.

So about twoo weeks or so I believe I asked if eggs could still hatch if the hen was only sitting on them at night and only partially during the day... Everyone said no and my hopes sunk... Well I gathered the rir egg because they were only being sat on during the day and not night... I left the Orpington eggs because they were being sat on during the night and I was curious. tonight I checked and to confirm what everyone said one after another that I candled never developed... 7 empty, 8 empty.... Number nine and the last one(the one in the middle) developed as far as I can tell it is fully developed and should be hatching in the next couple days or so... I don't really know why this one did and none of the others did.. I guess it was because it was in the middle and kept warm the longest or something idk really
Thats odd, but cool. Just goes to show ya, ya just never know...

Lol, yeah, pretty little green one with speckles.
wow I have never seen green with speckles... can ya post a pic????
I think all your chickens are beautiful and no I didn't see a roo cept for the ones you mentioned also black beard is beautiful
Thank you much. I thought that 2 of the BA's were roosters??? which is bad. 1 would be ok but 2 is 1 too many. I get roosters whare I dont want them and dont when I do want them... Rooster luck to the max here!!!! :th speaking of Roosters, I really need to sell my Partrige Silkie.... ANYONE?? ANYONE at all????? PM me please if interested. His head is a missing a little bit b/c he got into a fight with Romeo ( my Avatar ) and dang near killed him. Poor romeo he's a lover not a fighter I guess. And this guy is a baby killer and anyone wants him he is free all u got to do is come get him. has to be gone by this weekend !!!! Or I kill him.
Omg I LOVE the partridge Roo! Looks like you are a 4 hour drive from me. :sick

Just wanted to share cause I think it is cute. DH took this with his phone and then sent it to me while he was at work. Why he waited??????
This is the hen that was trying to hatch for 3 months so DH went and got her 6 BO's to put under her and see if she would take them. She took 1

So the other 5 are in the house.
Hi all I have 2 ducks a male and a female they were in with my chickens never have had a problem last week the male killed one of my laying hens I was so upset I was told after that male Ducks will try and mate the hens when they begin to lay and they are very brutal to the hen well since this happen I have moved my ducks to a coop of their on but now the male is very aggressive to me he pecks my feet and legs and just runs crazy when I enter his coop this morning I was changing his water and he jumped up and got me on the ear I love my ducks but I don't know what to do is this normal I go in several times Daily and talk to them and pet them he's always been very gentle until last week please I need any advise I don't want to get rid of him I had him before I got the chickens thanks
Hi all I have 2 ducks a male and a female they were in with my chickens never have had a problem last week the male killed one of my laying hens I was so upset I was told after that male Ducks will try and mate the hens when they begin to lay and they are very brutal to the hen well since this happen I have moved my ducks to a coop of their on but now the male is very aggressive to me he pecks my feet and legs and just runs crazy when I enter his coop this morning I was changing his water and he jumped up and got me on the ear I love my ducks but I don't know what to do is this normal I go in several times Daily and talk to them and pet them he's always been very gentle until last week please I need any advise I don't want to get rid of him I had him before I got the chickens thanks
That don't sound good at all. I don't know anything about ducks sorry, but there are plenty of people on this thread that do, I'm sure someone will give you some ideals. Keeping my fingers crossed that you get to keep him safely.

Sorry about your hen.
Hello all! Brad here on the Southside of Indy, just found this thread of fellow Hoosiers. I'm new to the chicken world but so far so good! I have 3 RIR's, 3 ISA's, all 18 weeks old. Five of the six are now laying. Also have 3 BA's and 3 Americana's. They are 4 weeks old. Here is some pics of the coop and run as well as my girls having some yogurt.









Welcome Brad!! I'm on the Southside too
Hello All! I am a fellow south side resident and rather new to chicken keeping. Chicken math hit me hard and I now have 27 birds from 8 weeks to 2 years :) My favorites are the Swedish Flower hens and Cream Legbars but I lucked into a couple of Ayam Cemani and a couple of frizzle Tolbunt Polish so we have a pretty diverse group! I am thrilled to find an active group in the state and the wealth of knowledge that is shared on this site, Thank you all for sharing your experience!

Thank you! I have several "rescue" types as well but they are all very cool in their own way. I am looking forward to the Ameraucana, Legbar, and Maran eggs. Right now only the Swedish Flower Hens, a couple Easter eggers, a Barred Rock and a Leghorn are of laying age

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