Hi, all! Finally mostly caught up on the thread! (Okay, maybe I skimmed just a little...)

It's been a lousy year over here thus far, but I'll spare y'all the sob story. :) I haven't been able to do much of anything for a lot of it, including the various building projects I had in mind for the summer, so no real updates to be had from my neck of the woods for the time I wasn't posting. Classes started last week, so I'm on the move again for much of the week. I did take a ton of pictures Sunday night, though, and thought I would share the best of them here. I was really not feeling the picture taking in light of the flock feeling so much smaller now, but the Dorkings made it their goal to make me feel better, so they feature in a lot of the pictures. I mean, how could you not love these faces? :love


My Elda, getting her cuddles. :love


Elly's 'sweetie face'... and then she saw the camera lens. :rolleyes:


Kit-kit was up by my shoulder for most of this, chattering away.


Love these girls. :love


Freema is not so enamored of them. :lol: She was giving me grief for giving anyone but her attention. :rolleyes:


Margaret was being bizarrely cooperative. I love her pretty eyes!


Tiwhiri the Light Brown Leghorn. I could only get her picture at a distance, of course, because humans are evil and gross to her.


Poppy the Cream Legbar giving me an odd look. Her comb has gotten so ridiculously rumply! :lol:


Reuben's in the clink at the moment because he's being really rough with Margie. He doesn't mess with the other girls, but he can't resist Marge. :rolleyes:


The call duckies, Trudi and Malcolm:


Malcolm gets all riled up whenever I have Crash out near the duck pen. Sunday, Crash decided she wasn't taking any of his nonsense and went at him a couple times as well! Also, I can't believe how big she is next to the adults! I tried to get a picture of her on her own, but she wasn't being cooperative for it. :/


Just for fun, here's the woods behind the chicken yard. For part of the summer, I had a temporary fence up, so they weren't really free-ranging but had some space outside their yard to go to. Well, around the beginning of August, I decided this was a terrible idea and just let them loose. So now the temporary fence is keeping them out of the driveway and away from where we walk most after being off the property, but they can go through the woods as they please at free-range time. Makes them happier, and me, too. :) Anyway, I thought this picture was kind of revealing as to how quickly chickens can decimate a place. Can you tell where their fence used to be? :p


And that's probably overdoing it on the picture count, but enjoy. :) It's all ugly and storming today, so I guess that means I could do some of my homework now... :sick
Hi there I saw you were from Pendleton my husband grew up there we now live in Cicero and just got our chickens about a month ago we have 6 hens and 2 roosters I'm going Thursday to pick up 10 more hens we also have 2 Rouen duck a drake and a female we are loving our chickens the boys love to gather the eggs well just thought I say hey neighbor

Hello can any one tell me what this is.. I got it on a swap with 9 others this is first to hatch I was told they were Araucanas but I just posted this on the Araucana thread and they said it wasn't but not really sure
What color was the egg the baby hatched from? Also, what variety were they sold as? A picture of the baby once he's fully dry would help as well. True Araucanas are exceedingly rare and a difficult breed to work with, so if they are true Araucana eggs, that would be a very lucky find!
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All I was told (by the swap) was they were Araucanas and the egg was a very light blue also a few were green in color when they arrived but changed after time
That's a big red flag to me. I would probably assume they are Easter-eggers just from that. Thing is, like I mentioned, Araucanas are a super rare breed, and they should only lay blue eggs. On top of that, they are a standardized breed that should only come in specific, standardized varieties. So you wouldn't buy just Araucanas, for example, you would buy 'Black Breasted Red Araucanas', or 'Silver Duckwing Araucanas', or 'Blue/Black/Splash Araucanas', etc. Unfortunately, due to the continuing deception of hatcheries selling Easter-eggers as Araucanas or Ameraucanas (usually misspelled as Americana) in spite of continuous attempts by breeders to correct them, not a lot of people are aware that their birds are a simple mutt of similar origin to the real thing, and often they are touted by backyard breeders as true Araucanas when they aren't. It's an adorable chick, but it likely isn't an Araucana. Sorry. :/
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Ok so I looked back in the conversation between the swapper and myself and the member said they weren't blue but came from an Araucana. although I think they all turned blue eventually lol I'm so confused now lol but I'll take em.. Possibly sale them or swap/trade
I love the diversity in the chicken world! Easter Eggers are awesome as you can get ALL kinds of color variations! I have 4 Easter Eggers, 2 Olive Eggers, 3 Ameraucana, and 2 Rumpless Araucana I LOVE the colorful egg basket! It's so great to see so many people learning about breeds and working to better the lines that are available here in the states. I say High Fives to ALL the "egg heads" out there!

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