feeling pretty sad...Dealing with a goose injury tonight. Doing my regular daily rounds and noticed Gracie, my adult Buff American goose hen was missing. Finally heard her in the unclaimed portion of the property. I saw her neck looked dark. When I got to her, I just cried. Gracie appears to have caught her neck in something. She has her neck completely bare to the flesh, no skin. I have only seen an injury this severe one other time in all the years I have kept birds. Will not post pictures its very upsetting. She is in the spare bathroom tub now. We have started baby aspirin, oxytetracycline and electrolites. Blukote on her neck.
I know she's in pain, and am checking on her hourly. She is drinking but will not eat. Just sick over it.
My American Buff are timid, wary with people so its been a big challenge already trying to care for her. She is drinking the water at least so the medication is getting into her. I try to human imprint every bird I own for this very reason.. emergencies. The ones I take in as adults are so much more a challenge.

Can you get hold of some NuStock? That works extremely fast on healing wounds.

Is it possibly a hawk attack?
My two go-to broodies are silver phoenix. Reliably broody, great moms. Seem to do well in the flock, but nowhere near the top of the pecking order. I also have two chanteclers that go broody multiple times a year, but I haven't had the chance to allow them to raise chicks yet. This year, I've got my broody pens ready, so hopefully I'll have broodies cooperate when I'm ready to start hatching my own eggs. I plan to try to keep the incubator for hatching out eggs for others this year.
Oooh, Silver Phoenix are gorgeous, too! :love Where did you get yours?
Has been a while since I have posted! Hope everyone is doing well and that your flocks have made it through the winter. Some updates from the homestead: We had 7 eggs last year from the peahen and all 7 hatched and survived (so far). So we now have 10, and really hoping our white peahen lays this year for the first time. We got a new puppy last summer, named Stitch. He is an English Shepherd. Here he is all grown up! We are in advanced training classes at Petsmart now, hoping he can get his certification as a caregiver dog.
Glad to see you posting again! :frow Your birds are beautiful (especially that white Peahen!!) and cute pup, too!
Group photo, they had spilt their water so I was drying them off.
Argh, baby duckies are just so cute!! :love Those chocolate ones are to die for!!
Now for my own babies! :D Mama Margaret is still sitting a lot, but the babies are getting more and more active! Is it me, or are Silkie babies cuter than other breeds? :love They just are so adorable when they're bobbling out around Mama!! (Although, I suppose I'm biased--these are my first real 'grandchickens'. ;) )

Here are the oldest 3 drinking together! :love


The one looking over its shoulder in that picture is such a little stinker! I've decided to name him (or her) Bennie, short for Benjamin (or Benjamina ;) ).


Here's Mama watching over the babies while they eat! :love


The one in the food dish isn't taking any sass about it. :lol:


Mama and babies again. :love She kept lifting up and settling down over and over again, like she was trying to convince them to go under for nap time.

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1st yellow with lightly colored tail

2nd yellow with dark tail (chocolate?)

3 chocolate, you can see 1 is lighter than the other 2

Group photo, they had spilt their water so I was drying them off.
Baby ducks are so cute! Love the variety of color in your flock.
Now for my own babies!
Mama Margaret is still sitting a lot, but the babies are getting more and more active! Is it me, or are Silkie babies cuter than other breeds?
They just are so adorable when they're bobbling out around Mama!! (Although, I suppose I'm biased--these are my first real 'grandchickens'.
Here are the oldest 3 drinking together!

The one looking over its shoulder in that picture is such a little stinker! I've decided to name him (or her) Bennie, short for Benjamin (or Benjamina
Here's Mama watching over the babies while they eat!

The one in the food dish isn't taking any sass about it.

Mama and babies again.
She kept lifting up and settling down over and over again, like she was trying to convince them to go under for nap time.
I had decided earlier this year against hatching out chicks this year...but gosh silkies are the cutest!! May need to rethink this.
Will be back on later to catch up. Thanks everyone for your kind words, unfortunately Gracie passed away between 330-4am. I feel she had too much blood loss as severe as her wounds were. Just devastated, my geese are my pets. I'm not convinced it wasn't a predator, I suspect a great horned owl if it was.
Happy birthday to my mom!!! we have 2 little peepers!!!!
waiting for 6 more!!

hatched in the last couple hours because earlier today there were no peeps or eggs shells!!
we can't really see much because they are both dark and it's dark outside!
my face when I heard peeps
(if you can't tell I love emoji!) best birthday present ever am I right? tomorrow is my moms birthday but close enough!
@Mother2Hens I love this picture too! I giggled when I saw them all up there together like that. Last night was their first night on the perch and they weren't all on the top perch, tonight when I closed them in the were and thought how cute! Plus made it 10x easier to do a head count at night!!!!

@ellymayRans lets just say he got an attaboy for doing it for me the way I want but it took some twisting of the arm to get him there!!! Lol plus I had everything written out, drawn out and even pictures from Pinterest saved of my ideas to help get my points and ideas across! He's a keeper for sure!
Sounds like he is! DH will get motivated with some gentle "pushing" and we get projects knocked out pretty fast. This time of year tho, his mind is pointed at fishing and motorcycles LOL!

Agreed. I use the ground pork from our hogs raised here to boost winter proteins. In my ducks as well as the poultry. Also in severe cold months offer hog fat if I have it for more calories, and put weight on them. Most of my hogs dress out very lean, so there's usually no fat available.
1800 S. Ohio St. Martinsville, IN. Tuesday March 15 @ 6:30pm


Great post, thanks for sharing!
Quote: Good post!

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