I am considering getting a cabinet incubator! I just want to know if they are really worth the money! I have several styrofoam batons but my hatches have been less than stellar! Only about 46% or less. It's depressing! Do eggs hatch better in the cabinet? I don't want to waste all that money to not get an improvement! Advice please!!
My Sportsman holds 240 eggs. If its fertile, it hatches. But as others pointed out, its also easy to wind up with way too many birds. Since I raise birds for our familys table also we hatch a lot. It just depends on your families needs.

So I got the coop half built and decided it would be okay to buy our chicks. We're now the proud owners of 2 Americaunas, 2 RIR, and 2 Black sex link least for the moment. Got them home and within an hour one of the BSLs seemed to be spending a lot more time on her belly than the others. Then she started laying its head down on the bedding. THe BSLs seem to be a little bit older than the others, so maybe its a behavioral difference based on age. Temp on one end of the brooder is 95 and the other is 83. Now the other BSL seems to be acting similarly. I've seen them all eat since we got them home. Wife is thinking that just may be the way they sleep. Do chicks normally sprawl out when they sleep or do you think something is wrong with this chick? Whatever help you can provide will be greatly appreciated!

They sprawl, stretch its soo funny. Wait til they start dust bathing!
First time I saw it I was panicking, thought my hens were having seizures!

Not only are they all safe and sound...they multiplied!
There are 16 total now. I'm cut off lol. My reasoning was that I never got my I had to buy 6 chicks at tsc to get one. Once I saw they had barred rocks in the straight run bin, there was no going back.
On the down side, one of them was pasted so bad that I had to cut pieces of litter out of it's down. Poor thing, I dipped him in warm water for 10 minutes and that was not coming off. He also had been pecked at and was bleeding, so that was dealt with too. This morning he is all good. From what I was originally told, my chicks are 10 days and 6 days, but they look like they have more of an age gap. I think some I got yesterday were more like 3 days. No one is picking on anyone though, so far.

Here is a pic. You can see where we extended their space. Through the doorway is much bigger. They love to go over there and play.

Hey folks,

In case no one has said, there are ALL KINDS of goodies at the Bloomington Rural King. I went in on Friday and got some birds.

I got some cuckoo marans, freedom rangers, and guineas.
There are also some heritage turkeys (chocolate, bourbon red), ducks (Indian runner, khaki campbell, pekin)
Welsummer, silver-laced wyandottes, leghorns, red cross ($1!)

And they have ring-neck PHEASANT chicks! Soooo Cute!!
WOW, ringnecks, thats amazing!

Hello from Clark County. Not necessarily new to chickens but new to this website. I came across it while trying to figure out what breed these 2 new ones we took in are. Seems like there is a lot of good information here.
Welcome to BYC and our thread! Please post away, add pictures and we can help you figure it out.
Hello from Clark County. Not necessarily new to chickens but new to this website. I came across it while trying to figure out what breed these 2 new ones we took in are. Seems like there is a lot of good information here.

Hi! Clark County here too! I may have to message you as I'm just getting into chicken keeping! :)

Also, I am new to the forum as well. I'm located near Henryville Indiana! I've already got a lot of help from the forum, but I look forward to talking chicken!

Hi! Clark County here too! I may have to message you as I'm just getting into chicken keeping! :)

Also, I am new to the forum as well. I'm located near Henryville Indiana! I've already got a lot of help from the forum, but I look forward to talking chicken!

No problem I am right on the border of Jeffersonville and Charlestown.
Worked on getting broods moved around today. Moved all silkies except the 2 broodies out to the small coop and built a run onto it for them.

Moved the ducklings out of the GQF brooder into a large wooden brooding pen and the Speckled Sussex chicks with the Bresse into a different wooden brooder. So all older chicks moved, cleaned out the GQF brooder and moved the 2 guinea chicks and 2 very tiny silkie chicks in. Tomorrow i will go pick up my bators and hatched chicks from my aunt to bring back home and those new chicks will move in to the GQF brooder as well.

I hate heat lamps but after pulling the ducklings they hardly have any down fluff on their backs and wings so i couldn't help but put heat lamps on them until they start feathering out more. So pics aren't great but I think it's pretty obvious that at least 1 is a drake. He's so big!

Granted he was the first to hatch but by a day I'm pretty sure.
I plan to take some individual pics of each of them in natural lighting. At first hatch the tips of his tail was very light in color appearing lavender. I moved a lot of birds around today and in a dark garage to the blaring sunshine outside so i couldn't tell what color it is!

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