I would start them all on Corid and give vitamins. Several folks have recommended small pieces of beef liver to boost vitamins and protein.

We picked up some Corid and Vi-tal today. I plan to start it in the am. Should I use treatment dose or preventative? Do I use the Vi-tal after the Corid to replenish or during treatment? Sorry for so many questions. I guess this is my crash course.

@chickrookie Thanks. They all seem very happy and active today. I'm keeping a close eye though. :fl
Been in Germany for two weeks -- 1 for work, the last for vacation with DW. Then it took over a week back at the home office to get caught up. That's almost like our Indiana BYC posts. Quite a few to get caught up on.

Sad to hear about the losses, mystery disappearances and illnesses. The new babies of every species are so cute!

We had a cream legbar hen go broody while we were gone. She's 4 and this is her first broody spell. At this age, I thought she'd never be broody. For kicks, we've ordered hatching eggs from two different Araucana breeders. Araucanas are notoriously hard to hatch, so mailed eggs should be virtually impossible. We know this going into it, so in 24 days, we may have an urgent plea for any fertile egg just to get our girl back to work. The eggs should arrive tomorrow. 24 hours to rest. In 22-23 days, who knows? Maybe a mustached, rumpless chick or two will hatch.

Fingers crossed--
Turns out I couldn't save the pasty chick.
Every time I checked it, it needed cleaned. What was drying on it seemed mucousy and that concerned me. I also noticed, that particular chick was not looking bigger each day. He/she just sat under the heat lamp most of the time quietly meeping. It still ate and drank but I felt like something wasn't right with it and this morning it was dead. All of the chicks I got from TSC seem smaller for age and their feathers are much slower coming in. Should I be worried they are all ill? The rest are active and happy...just runty. Seems like the dead one could've had Cocci. Any Advice?

I have learned some chicks just won't thrive from farm stores. They got too old from being shipped or too hot. Not enough water. Do many other possibilities I just hatch my own now. Cocci can be treated, Corid powder is the best choice.
Does anyone have any turkey poults for sale? I only want 3-4, so can't order any. I'vegot one lonely little poult that needs some buddies lol. Not picky on breed and straight run is fine.
I have some in the incubators.I have a wait list but will be Bourbon Red or Holland White.
I think I'm finally ready to buy spring chicks. Does anyone know offhand a feed store that has white leghorns in? I'll call around the few in my area (Indianapolis), but I thought I'd ask here, too.


Nevermind, I found them! TSC in plainfield says they just got a batch in today, so I'll be up there first thing in the morning. Yay!

Does anyone have any turkey poults for sale? I only want 3-4, so can't order any. I'vegot one lonely little poult that needs some buddies lol. Not picky on breed and straight run is fine.
I have white holland and Bourbon Red incubating now.. Have a waiting list for the bourbons.

UPDATE on my Brinsea gripe....

Believe it or not, my nastygram email got a next day response. That is unusual, but it was appreciated.

The office manager said she would have UPS pick it up tomorrow or Friday to see what happened. She assured me they are tested before they are returned, and told me they replaced the motor and clutch.

Well, I thought I'd plug it in one more time to be sure...and this time it worked. I have no idea why it didn't work the first time unless one of the outlets on my died (possible, but would be weird and should've tripped a breaker).

SO ANYWAY, at least I know what they did, that they were going to take it back and make it right, AND most importantly, it works...for now. I set 6 dozen eggs last night and had already started hand-turning the two dozen in my Octagon 20, but now I won't have to do that anymore (I hope).

Still, I think their products are WAY too expensive for the short duration of use they get. Two years isn't really two years unless you live down south and can hatch year-round because the chicks won't freeze. I raised winter chicks one year a while back, and won't ever do it again. No way, Jose! Too much work. As it is, we'll have to get out the "coffin," which is what I call our giant chick raiser. We can put anything from babies to a few adults in there (though now that I have enough dog crates, that's a lot easier on the adults AND me). DH made this thing soooo big. It's like 6' x 2' x 2' and we have to stand on a ladder to do anything inside from cleaning to feeding/watering to handling chicks. We don't have enough room for it on the garage floor, so it sits on his work bench, which is otherwise perfect for it.

I know that Brinsea products hit their lowest price on Amazon and Rakuten in November (for anyone who might care), and assume that other manufacturers may do the same, so I'll be saving my pennies for a Sportsman come late fall! I don't want to have to deal with them anymore.

I do still recommend their EcoGlow brooder line. I think they use the same technology as the Sweeter Heaters, just much smaller. Brinsea sells through, which periodically offers a ton of points worth $50 or more for getting their credit card. We got one EcoGlow20 for free (DH's account) and I got one for very little (maybe $20 or so) when I opened my account. They have been used as much or more than the incubators, and except for resealing the bottoms with clear caulk at the end of last season, they have not failed to heat nor have they overheated. The chicks sure like them, and there is zero danger of fire unless there is a short. It's easy to configure any space so that the power cord is not accessible to little beaks.
I hope it gets resolved. I cannot tell you how pleased I am with the sportsman cabinets. They just work, and hatch me a lot of baby birds. I am looking at the brooders more now, and do not want to rely on heat lamps anymore. This year, the chicks are all from waiting lists and won't stay long. I already hatched what I plan to keep from my birds.
Am flat wupped, coop building continues. Need to upgrade my phone or camera to share more pictures!
Next group of piglets wean the 13th and all are already sold. 20 more chicks left tonight to new homes. Anyone thats asked to be on my wait list please PM. I lost data when my older laptop failed, and am still rebuilding on this new one.
Been in Germany for two weeks -- 1 for work, the last for vacation with DW. Then it took over a week back at the home office to get caught up. That's almost like our Indiana BYC posts. Quite a few to get caught up on.

Sad to hear about the losses, mystery disappearances and illnesses. The new babies of every species are so cute!

We had a cream legbar hen go broody while we were gone. She's 4 and this is her first broody spell. At this age, I thought she'd never be broody. For kicks, we've ordered hatching eggs from two different Araucana breeders. Araucanas are notoriously hard to hatch, so mailed eggs should be virtually impossible. We know this going into it, so in 24 days, we may have an urgent plea for any fertile egg just to get our girl back to work. The eggs should arrive tomorrow. 24 hours to rest. In 22-23 days, who knows? Maybe a mustached, rumpless chick or two will hatch.

Fingers crossed--
good luck with your eggs.
You didn't say one way or the other, so I hope you had fun on the vaca part of your time in Germany
I have learned some chicks just won't thrive from farm stores. They got too old from being shipped or too hot. Not enough water. Do many other possibilities I just hatch my own now. Cocci can be treated, Corid powder is the best choice.
I have some in the incubators.I have a wait list but will be Bourbon Red or Holland White.

Thanks. That's what I'm using. I started it last night. They are all fine but I was afraid I would wake up to another dead chick so we went ahead with the medicine. I noticed pretty quickly the trade I made by getting farm store chicks and cancelling my order with MPC. Overall, not a bad start though. I am thankful for all the reading material here and for this great group. :D I have learned a lot. If all goes right, we will be hatching our own babies next spring.
Hey all! It's been a while since I've been on. My phone won't load the BYC app for some reason, I think I need an upgrade. Anywho, I was wondering if anyone knows how long after purchase RK will replace dead chicks? My MIL brought me some Cornish crosses the day before yesterday and I lost one this morning :( and another is having trouble getting around.

Hope everyone is well! I'll have to catch up some when I get my phone issue worked out.
Hi everyone, I'm still lurking around on here, slowly taking everything in. We are slowly working our way towards getting our small flock going. Dad and I are working together to design our coop and run. I wanted to check on a couple of things with our city ordinance, so this morning when I got to work I printed that off. In that ordinance it states "Provide a chicken coop and chicken run that afford a combined ten square feet per chicken." We plan on getting six hens (the max we are allowed to have). So does this mean that we would need 60 square feet for our coop/run? Sorry if this is a silly question; still new to some of this. There is also another section in the ordinance on the location of the coop/run. "Chickens, coops, and runs shall be confined to the rear of the residential structure."

Here is a screen shot of our property. We have about 1.3 acres.

Everything inside the red lines are ours. The red "dot" is roughly where I would like to build our coop (dot is not to scale).
Technically, it's not "to the rear" of the house, as this is part of our side yard. But it is clearly also not in the front yard either. I just thought I'd get some of your opinions if you think this location would be in violation of the ordinance or not. I may yet try to find someone (probably at city hall) to ask, but I can't see that this location would be an issue.

Thanks in advance for any answers or advice!

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