Yeah, the Bloomington store has lots of things, but not spark plugs for my tiller or oil filters for my mower >='
I'm surprised Lawrence county has these issues - some friends of mine in Springville are pretty happy with the zoning down there. I'm not a big fan of restrictive laws against people trying to farm, even though I was probably one of those yuppies at one point =)

We lived in Springville until a couple years ago- right next door to the Perry township fire captain who's wife has every farm animal known to man. I seriously miss that place! Wish we had never sold it. But yes, if the zoning passes it will be county wide. We are down between Bedford and Mitchell now. Folks aren'tnearly as friendly as in SSpringville.
Bookmarked where I posted last, sorry everyone been a very long week. All the heavy rain keeps knocking our internet out, having to use cell phone to post. Have 5 feeder piglets left, please pm if interested. Will be sharing what hatched chicks I have soon, I will not be hatching for a few months with my youngest child's graduation in May from college, and marriage in June. Busy time, it will be a formal event.
My name is River, on the Eastside of Indianapolis. Spent the last 2 months building a coop & a 12x6 protected run. Now that it's built, I need chickens! Haha! Is it necessary to put chicks in heated & protected places for weeks? I have no where but the coop to put them, and the places i've found to order from are all babies! Is there anywhere nearby to buy juveniles from? Or would the babies be ok outside, with the coop?
I'm new here, on the Eastside of Indianapolis. Got the coop & run built, looking for somewhere to purchase juvenile chickens from (as I have no where to keep the babies)...unless they would be ok in the coop/run now that the weather has gotten warmer?
I'm new here, on the Eastside of Indianapolis. Got the coop & run built, looking for somewhere to purchase juvenile chickens from (as I have no where to keep the babies)...unless they would be ok in the coop/run now that the weather has gotten warmer?

Baby chicks need to be kept at 90-95 degrees the first week, able to withstand a 5 degree drop every week thereafter until feathered out around 8 weeks or so. There are some really good threads in the raising baby chicks forum that explain successful brooding practices, but straight into the coop isn't going to work. Hope you find some older birds. And welcome.
I'm new here, on the Eastside of Indianapolis. Got the coop & run built, looking for somewhere to purchase juvenile chickens from (as I have no where to keep the babies)...unless they would be ok in the coop/run now that the weather has gotten warmer?
This thread has a lot of info on how to brood chicks outside in the coop.

And here is a good article:

Also, you can find older chickens on Just look them over well for signs of disease before you buy. Good luck!
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welcome to the forum River-
if you have a way to access electricity to your coop, you could use a brooder heat plate for some younger chicks.
we are a few hours away, but we have plenty of young chicks available if interested : some3 week olds & having a big hatch on monday 25th of april.
set a bunch of eggs for some customers , & now at the last minute have decided not to get them :-(
we sometimes get down to Angola/Auburn area to the feed stores & could meet anyone if interested in any chicks.
we have iowa blues, white + buff chanteclers, EEs, sapphire, & a couple biele-bar
My name is River, on the Eastside of Indianapolis. Spent the last 2 months building a coop & a 12x6 protected run. Now that it's built, I need chickens! Haha! Is it necessary to put chicks in heated & protected places for weeks? I have no where but the coop to put them, and the places i've found to order from are all babies! Is there anywhere nearby to buy juveniles from? Or would the babies be ok outside, with the coop?
I like the heat plates too. And, yes, they need a warm place but don't need the blazing hot heat lamps if you are able to get a heat plate.

I have one of the heat plates from Premier 1. The one I use is only 22 watts vs. the bulbs. "They say" that just the savings in electricity will pay for it. But I like them because they give the chicks a comforting place to go - like having a mamma - and they can regulate their own heat needs.

You will have to do a little reading to use it properly - but not a huge learning curve!

Here is where I got mine:

In this photo, you can see mine in the back left corner...there is a chick standing on top of it. They are very easy to adjust height. Mine is the 12"x12" one... only a few chicks or I would have gotten the larger model.


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