Although I've been complaining about the low # of eggs this month, I can't believe the one I found today!

It was so big I had to measure it!
About 9.5cm long (about 3.75 in)

To get an idea of scale, those are my fingers. I am an adult woman - and not a small one.
The egg is HUGE.

4.15 oz

or 117.9 grams

If a 2.5 oz egg is considered Jumbo, what should THIS size be called?

Now I just can't figure out who it came from. The 4 yr old hen that usually lays the biggest eggs lays a peachy-white egg. This one is way too dark to be hers. It's a med brown like an orp at the beginning of her egg cycle. My orp hens have pale combs & are still growing feathers back. I can't imagine this coming out of an orp pullet. (also no blood streaks on it) That only leaves my RIR or Bielefelder pullets. Both have been laying since Aug/Sept - unlike the orps who have just started or soon will.
Just took this photo of Frieda on Thursday. She looks healthy!

Beautiful pic! Glad she's doing well. I tied down an extra 4'x8' sheet of foam insulation as a temp cover for a brooder/chick run. Being lightweight, easy to move, & giving rain/sun protection, it worked great for a few days until the hens decided to jump on top of it & start snacking. Not sure why they decided it was edible, but ever since that day, the flock attacks anything styrofoam like it was scratch grains. Crazy birds!
Had the egg for lunch. It was a double yolker!

Quail update:
Here's the tiny runt quail (on left). It's still alive & finally caught up in size.

Quail sexing update:
Anyone with quail knowledge, please let me know how I'm doing.

1. Male (now crowing & tried to mate quail #2 below)

2. Female????

3. ???? This is the runt / "failure to thrive" quail. It has always been about a week behind developmentally. It's finally about the same size. My guess is female or just still slow to mature.

4. Male (It's DD's fav = 1st clue. Then it developed a male color pattern. About a week ago it began crowing. However, I do not see the huge swollen area behind the vent like in the A&M male.)

5&6 are Female - can tell by feather pattern
I love to use Meyer Hatchery. They are very nice and my orders always come in great quality. They have a min order of 3 (Apr-Nov) 15 (Dec-Mar) for chickens, and 3 for ducklings. I just bought 4 ducklings from them, and the shipping was $47.09 but 15+ chicks the shipping goes down to $20. And they give you a free chick called a meal maker.
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for online ordering from hatcheries. I've not ordered chicks online before and am not sure which hatchery to go with. I am planning to buy a few different breeds, but am not especially concerned that that be breeder quality. My 3rd grader is wanting to show production poultry in 4-H this year. I will need them to be delivered around the last week of February so they will be close to 6 months for the fair. Thanks for any advice!
jen214 ~
It's that time of year to see these kinds of ads!

Last winter, I posted this:
Hatchery Experiences
For those of you who have ordered chicks before, if you could comment on good/bad hatchery experiences with business names and locations, it would be helpful for any of us thinking about ordering. My intention is not to bash businesses, but share experiences to help make informed decisions.

I copy/pasted many responses (unfortunately I missed some). I had planned to add them to our Indiana BYC info page. I will check with @jchny2000 about that—I've was out of the loop off and on throughout 2016. For now, here is a very brief summary of opinions that I listed as Yay or Nay:

BJs Poultry Yay
Honeyville Feed Yay
Ideal Poultry Nay
Jordan Farm/Pampered Poultry Nay
Matthy’s Farm Market Yay
Meyer 3 Yays

Mt. Healthy Nay
Murray McMurray Yay
My Pet Chicken Nay

Porter’s Yay
Rural King Nay
Welp Yay

Customer opinions varied. Like any situation, there are always variables like employee personalities, inclement weather, shipping services, etc. Two different customers could have totally different experiences on the same day. It’s always good to do research, though, and ask questions!
Hey all,

I've been out of the loop for a while, hope all is well with everyone.

I've been doing some freelance writing this year, and have an article that I'm doing for a Trapping and Predator Hunting magazine that I wanted to tie into chickens. With chickens being such a draw for furbearers, my angle is for trappers to network with local chicken owners to trap their area (live or footfold, but likely live trap) to reduce pressure on the chickens. I asked mods about letting me start a thread asking for feedback, or experience, and they shut me down. I think they thought I was actually trying to set up the network of trappers with chicken owners, I just wanted to get the opinions of the community of backyard flock owners as to why or why not they would allow someone to come in and trap near their chickens.

They did say I could ask about it on my state thread, so here I am.

Would you allow someone to trap on your property near your chickens?

Why or why not?

Have you had losses due to predators?

Also, if any of you have pictures of predator impacts that you would be willing to share for the article, I would be very grateful.

If you have questions about what I'm trying to get at, also, don't hesitate to contact me here or PM.

Thanks all, and Happy New Year.
Hey all,

I've been out of the loop for a while, hope all is well with everyone.

I've been doing some freelance writing this year, and have an article that I'm doing for a Trapping and Predator Hunting magazine that I wanted to tie into chickens. With chickens being such a draw for furbearers, my angle is for trappers to network with local chicken owners to trap their area (live or footfold, but likely live trap) to reduce pressure on the chickens. I asked mods about letting me start a thread asking for feedback, or experience, and they shut me down. I think they thought I was actually trying to set up the network of trappers with chicken owners, I just wanted to get the opinions of the community of backyard flock owners as to why or why not they would allow someone to come in and trap near their chickens.

They did say I could ask about it on my state thread, so here I am.

Would you allow someone to trap on your property near your chickens?

Why or why not?

Have you had losses due to predators?

Also, if any of you have pictures of predator impacts that you would be willing to share for the article, I would be very grateful.

If you have questions about what I'm trying to get at, also, don't hesitate to contact me here or PM.

Thanks all, and Happy New Year.

So far (fingers crossed), we have not had much presure by furbearers with our chickens. We are surrounded by open fields so I don't know if this plays a role. However, I would have no problem with someone tralling near my coop if it helps keep my chickens safe.
Honestly, the only thing I would request is that the trapper shares some knowledge with my sons and I since we love learning about new things!
Good evening yall just bought 9 isa browns laying and new coop with run startin 2nd flock settin it up tomarrow rain or shine cant wait like christmas eve
Anyone raise rabbits for meat in the NWI area? My wife and I are starting the discussion but she has never had rabbit. I would like to procure some meat first for her to try. Also would like to pick someone's brain about it.

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