Free to good coup,,,,,Two Roos one year old approx.

One is a Sumatra roo we called "Rockstar" as he is a good looking boy and seemingly good provider for the hens when free ranging

The other is a Choc, Barred Orp. beautiful bird as well

PM me with any interest


And they're GONE!!!!
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Welcome to our thread!
I hope BYC doesn't ding you and delete your post.They usually want everyone to post to the buy sell trade page. You can post you have them and ask others to pm you for prices.
Anyone need added to our Indiana Thread Members' List?
@Chickens4lifee If you (or anyone else) would like me to add you to our members' list where you can also be listed as a breeder, just PM me. Here's the link to the Members' List that shows information that can be listed—it's up to individuals to decide how much or how little info to add. Click here to see our Indiana BYCers Members' List, Events, Topics & Links

@weezerfish ~ How are your chickens' bottoms? My Chocolate English Orp has a bare place because a few weeks ago when it was freezing (before spring arrived!), she had poop frozen to her very fluffy feathery rear. Normally, I would have soaked her hind end in a warm bath, but because it was bedtime, I cut the frozen poop feathers off. Then she got another globby area, but I couldn't bathe her because a hair dryer might hurt her bare spot. In "hind"sight, I should have bathed and dried her the first time that happened. (She didn't have a poop issue—thick feathers and freezing temps caused the problem).
@iamfivewire ~ I looked up info about Feather Fixer —it looks like a good product to me, but I'm not a chicken nutritionist. lol Does anyone else know anything about it?

  • Healthy protein and energy levels for chickens regrowing feathers
  • Chelated trace minerals support feather regrowth and eggshell strength
  • Added prebiotics and probiotics support proper digestion and nutrient absorption
  • Source of greens for periods when grass is limited
  • Tagetes (Aztec marigold) meal for golden yolks
  • Proprietary blend of nutrients naturally supports the immune system and overall health of your flock
  • Pelleted form
Quote: I had really been on the go all week and hadn't had much time to do any chicken tending in the daylight, so this afternoon when I got off work, I went out and free ranged them for a bit. To my surprise the bluekote was all but gone. What I did see that was new though was a small cluster of feathers sprouting just below her vent. I remember seeing this as the beginning of Big Mama's plumage restoration about two months ago. Hopefully this is a sign of a warmer backside for Squealer in the near future!
Hi everybody! I have some cockerels that I'm looking to sell. All are English Orps: lavender, blue, chocolate cuckoo, maybe a solid chocolate. Nice looking, healthy chicks. Marek's vaccinated, veterinarian raised. NPIP certified. Lav and blues are Cogburn's grandchicks. Hatched 1/31-2/2. Ready now. Would consider trade or deal for EE/Ameracauna or standard Cochin pullet. Near Zionsville/NW Indy/Whitestown. PM if interested.
Hi everybody! I have some cockerels that I'm looking to sell. All are English Orps: lavender, blue, chocolate cuckoo, maybe a solid chocolate. Nice looking, healthy chicks. Marek's vaccinated, veterinarian raised. NPIP certified. Lav and blues are Cogburn's grandchicks. Hatched 1/31-2/2. Ready now. Would consider trade or deal for EE/Ameracauna or standard Cochin pullet. Near Zionsville/NW Indy/Whitestown. PM if interested.
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