I am so sorry to see your mom passed ( a little late i havent been on here in awhile!)
So hard for those of you left behind to miss her. What an incredible legacy of love in your parents! Especially praying for your dad. The worst grief I've ever seen was in my grandma when my grandpa died. They were married 64 years.
A love that enduring can only lead to a truly broken heart when one spouse is gone. It is hard to imagine what your dad is feeling.
Keeping you and yours in my prayers!

I want to say thank you to the messages I have received and @Leahs Mom thank you.
It is with deep sadness I must share that my Mother, Sally Miller went home to our Lord at approximately 8:40pm Wednesday. I ask you please keep my Dad, Everett Miller in your prayers if inclined to do so for strength. I am of course wide awake.. They Just celebrated their 59th anniversary on the 25th.will be back to our thread soon.
I might just buy some pullets from TSC ,(husband doesn't like me getting chickens because He gets attached and I always end up selling them), so maybe I can get away with it by saying I'll sell them later at the animal swap in September!
Can someone please explain - have rules changed? My post was edited b/c you can't advertise outside of Buy/Sell/trade. I didn't realize I was advertising. In the past we've said things on this thread like I'm looking for... please PM me if you have- are we not allowed to do that anymore? I wasn't advertising I was doing what we've done before so I am confused.

Even the part of me venting that I only ended up with 3 pullets out of the 8 I bought was deleted? Was that because I mentioned where I got them? I'm really confused! It's been while since I've been on here but rules have changed that much in the past few months?

I find looking for anything on buy/sell trade incredibly difficult b/c unless I am missing something it is not organized by area you live. I'm not trying to be difficult, just trying to understand. I know last time I was on here people were mentioning chicks they are looking for.
Hm, I'm not really sure what the actual rules are. I know advertising has to be done in BST, but I'm like you- I always thought it was ok to give our friends here on our state thread a heads up about things, just not put prices on. But @kittydoc had her post edited too recently. If they edit your post, don't they have to tell you who edited it and why? If they weren't very specific, maybe you could ask that person.

I wonder if some rules changed, if there is a place that lists the changes. I also wonder if the admins are just getting stricter now. It doesn't seem like a good idea to alienate those of us who stuck through all the changes and are still here. There was a crackdown about off topic stuff on the other thread I frequent. Since the mod edited the "offending" posts, and then proceeded to bawl us out, it was very unclear what the "off topic" offense was. They even threatened to close the thread. So now we are left not knowing whether things we say any more will be prohibited or not. I do not enjoy feeling like BYC has become a police state. :(
It just says "Reason: You may not advertise outside of the Buy Sell trade Area. This post has been edited". Doesn't say who.

Admin: it would be helpful for us all to know exactly what rules we need to follow, and how to follow them-what is being enforced in a stricter manner. Specifically what is not being allowed that was allowed previously!

Life has been so crazy for me, so I hardly am able to get on here and almost the first thing I do is break a rule! The reason I posted here is I trust you guys- even though I've only met a few of you I don't feel like you are strangers and I have an idea of how you treat your birds.

Hm, I'm not really sure what the actual rules are. I know advertising has to be done in BST, but I'm like you- I always thought it was ok to give our friends here on our state thread a heads up about things, just not put prices on. But @kittydoc had her post edited too recently. If they edit your post, don't they have to tell you who edited it and why? If they weren't very specific, maybe you could ask that person.

I wonder if some rules changed, if there is a place that lists the changes. I also wonder if the admins are just getting stricter now. It doesn't seem like a good idea to alienate those of us who stuck through all the changes and are still here. There was a crackdown about off topic stuff on the other thread I frequent. Since the mod edited the "offending" posts, and then proceeded to bawl us out, it was very unclear what the "off topic" offense was. They even threatened to close the thread. So now we are left not knowing whether things we say any more will be prohibited or not. I do not enjoy feeling like BYC has become a police state. :(
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