I definitely agree, but she's 13. :confused: (ie- She cut off the tips of her gloves & wore a winter hat today.) I think it's her little rebellion to leave some of the better pics at home and bring the pink rooster. I feel she'll learn more by allowing her to make the choices. I guess I better get used to it!
:clapGood mama! :hugsWish her the best on her projects.
We had a calf. He and his mama got out last week and a neighbor tried to be helpful and tied them to his truck and drove them home. Apparently he fell and the guy dragged him all the way home, he was dead when he got to our house. Said sorry, didn't offer any reimbursement.
OMG I am sorry, that's horrible.
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I got the predator!!! I put a trap inside the chicken run and he came back and got what he deserves. The raccoon was already dead when i found it ( probably due to the heat). I am an animal lover but this time i felt closure. The animal was very heavy ( no wonder.. he eat 8 chickens) and very large. I never knew raccoons have fangs, and this one had very long ones. I have set the trap again and I will continue doing it until I feel comfortable that the place is safe. I have three new chicks and they are staying indoors until I reinforce the chicken run. Thanks to all for your replies.
Sad but yes you have to protect your birds. They are a dangerous animal, carry some human transmittable diseases. Severely overpopulated, do not relocate well.
Garden is producing, pretty happy thought we were too late on planting! I have to re-stake the tomatoes, so heavy with fruit the stakes are falling over. These were supposed to be cherry tomato and they are big. Some of the beefsteak tomato are so big they will fill 2 hands. Those are still green!
I bought a waterbath canner. I make homemade salsa and everyone cleans me out every batch I make. This year, all the extra tomatoes will go for salsa. Same for pickles, I have tons coming in.
Garden is producing, pretty happy thought we were too late on planting! I have to re-stake the tomatoes, so heavy with fruit the stakes are falling over. These were supposed to be cherry tomato and they are big. Some of the beefsteak tomato are so big they will fill 2 hands. Those are still green!
I bought a waterbath canner. I make homemade salsa and everyone cleans me out every batch I make. This year, all the extra tomatoes will go for salsa. Same for pickles, I have tons coming in.
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Your tomatoes are amazing when did you plant them? Ours are barely producing. We planted in april
Your tomatoes are amazing when did you plant them? Ours are barely producing. We planted in april

I got my garden in very late. (last week of May thru 1st week June)
Cucumbers are great. I purposely planted at different times to spread out the harvest & they all seem to be producing now anyway. It's not too bad since we eat at least 2 per day. Pickles come along when we can't eat them fast enough. LOL

Not a single tomato yet. Lots of flowers & some small green ones. The volunteer tomatoes that didn't pop up until mid June are developing about the same rate as the ones I purposely planted. Zucc & all the other squash are all still flowers. Normally at this time of year, I'm using the kids' wagon to cart all the produce up to the house. I'm hoping for a very, very late frost.

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