On other news, we've been raising 118 Cornish cross meat birds, they are at 3 weeks now. Never thought I'd see the day that poultry cost $4+ a pound :barnie
So, SIL is raising them and caring for them, we are paying the feed cost etc. I'm following up on my old links on poultry processors. If I can get a local processor reasonably cheap we won't do it ourselves. I'll post updates on pricing and contact info once I have it.
i have a calf due soon, but also have vacation starting Saturday. Have a neighbor kid (now grown and married) I really count on if we have emergency. Also have my cow neighbor, who is my mentor. Nephew and his best buddy capable and willing to pull a calf. So I'm set with backup plans but you betcha I'm running home if the calf is coming!
My daughter lost an old and well loved blue great dane tonight named Karma. New neighbors were shooting off fireworks, tannerite and it frightened her so much, her stomach flipped. This happens when an animal bolts, lunges and tries to escape whats frightening them.This is a horrible way to die and due to her age, 9, she could not have the surgery. She chose the most humane choice for her, sent her to rest. I mean really folks, think about your actions. I realize we all have rights to do as this is a free country. Could have been been neighborly enough to say hey, were going to make some noise.
i have a calf due soon, but also have vacation starting Saturday. Have a neighbor kid (now grown and married) I really count on if we have emergency. Also have my cow neighbor, who is my mentor. Nephew and his best buddy capable and willing to pull a calf. So I'm set with backup plans but you betcha I'm running home if the calf is coming!
My daughter lost an old and well loved blue great dane tonight named Karma. New neighbors were shooting off fireworks, tannerite and it frightened her so much, her stomach flipped. This happens when an animal bolts, lunges and tries to escape whats frightening them.This is a horrible way to die and due to her age, 9, she could not have the surgery. She chose the most humane choice for her, sent her to rest. I mean really folks, think about your actions. I realize we all have rights to do as this is a free country. Could have been been neighborly enough to say hey, were going to make some noise.
Have fun on your vacation and best wishes for a happy healthy calf.

So sorry to hear about Karma. (We also had a wonderful blue Dane years ago.) Since our current dog is also an ex large breed, we had his stomach tacked when he was neutered. I'm not sure how long vets have been performing the gastropexy procedure. It was news to me but I'm happy to know that if he does get bloat, the procedure prevents the stomach from twisting. Unlike our Great Dane, our current dog is excited and active and hard to keep calm after dinner. In general, he's a potential disaster. LOL I just thought I'd mention it in case your daughter decides to get another big dog in the future.
Hi there!

Looking for a pet rooster for my flock.

Preferably free.
I have maran you can have.

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