Indoor ducklings - help!


7 Years
Jan 5, 2017
Jackson County, KY
Hey everyone! So I'm keeping my 2 one-month-old Pekin ducklings inside. I'm keeping the little pair in a pet playpen (see the attached photo). I have several questions/concerns that I'm hoping a few of you will be able to help with... first, is this setup OK? These are my first pet ducks so I'm unsure about, well, everything. Second, HOW do I keep this clean? I considered using shavings or hay, but read that they tend to mold very quickly. I'm currently using a tarp laid over the bottom and keeping them a fleece blanket to lie on.. but it gets SO messy in just a little while. Is there any better options, or is this my fate? Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

PS. In the picture you can see their food (feed and grits). I have no idea how much grit to give them, or if I should even be feeding them this right now. I was afraid that the amount shown was too much so I ended up taking most of it out. Thanks!
Ducks are very messy. The only way to keep it clean is to change their bedding every day. That's a lot of towels/blankets that have to be washed, but there's really no other option until you're able to keep them outside. They will need more room soon.

I don't use shavings, because last year my ducklings were dipping the shavings in their water and eating them. Three died from that, and it was confirmed that eating shavings was the cause of death when I did an autopsy on the last one that died and found ground up wood pulp in the gizzard.

As for the grit, I just find a sandy area on my property, that poultry do not frequent, that has very tiny pebbles in it and sprinkle some on their food.
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I use pine shavings...and remove the wet or poopy shavings as needed.....the shavings also cut down on the smell.....only use Pine, not cedar......

X2. And if you get flake shaving, you wont have problems with them eating the bedding. Besides, after a month, they should know what food is and isnt
They dont need a whole lot of grit, especially if they are getting commercial feed thats already ground up. Some feeds even contain grit (check your bag). Otherwise, a pinch in the feed will be fine
My ducklings ate shavings, and my beloved was allergic to them, so we went with towels for bedding.

Our biggest challenge was water spillage - I know now much more than I did then!

I now use a watering station for the ducks - all grown up now - and it keeps their bedding from getting soaked. It's the bottom half of a large plastic dog crate, with compressed sawdust pellets in the bottom to absorb splash, and a flat-bottomed two gallon stew pot for water. This is for adults - you need to have a different kind of water dispenser for ducklings, but the crate and sawdust will keep the rest of the bedding much drier.

We use giant totes. And have three on hand for swaping. We have always used shavings and had no problems. We put news paper on the bottom, it soaks up the water, then shavings on top, which help with clean up too. Water dishes are the biggest issue because they love to puddle. We use corn mash with added protein no grit. Then a baby gate on top. After 3 or 4 months we then move to a dog house, outside in a fenced in area. We also feed them spinach and apple peels ect for a treat and nutrients.
My ducklings ate shavings, and my beloved was allergic to them, so we went with towels for bedding. Our biggest challenge was water spillage - I know now much more than I did then! I now use a watering station for the ducks - all grown up now - and it keeps their bedding from getting soaked. It's the bottom half of a large plastic dog crate, with compressed sawdust pellets in the bottom to absorb splash, and a flat-bottomed two gallon stew pot for water. This is for adults - you need to have a different kind of water dispenser for ducklings, but the crate and sawdust will keep the rest of the bedding much drier.
I really love the sawdust idea. What kind do you use and where do you purchase them?

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