Inexperienced Unexpectedly New Hen or Rooster owner???

Hey all! Just wanted to give an update! She is not a hen! It is 100% Rooster! He started crowing a few weeks ago and is growing spurs! LOL. Still love him though!
Sorry, but I still believe that bird is female. If you butchered her, I'm sure you'd find ovaries, not testicles.

Human women can have things like polycystic ovarian syndrome. They develop masculine traits like facial hair, deeper voices, and have reproductive issues/don't ovulate. No one says they're men, they're still women. I think the same type of thing is going on here.

Regardless, if you can't keep a crowing bird, it doesn't matter if it's male or female. and if you're looking for an egg producer, she's likely not going to be top of your list. I'd probably cull her unless you have a burning reason to keep her.
I really am sure at this point it is a Rooster. I live in the middle of nowhere so I can have any type of animals I want lol. I am keeping him/her reguardless. We will see as the months go on. I will give an update he/she does end up laying eggs. I doubt he/she will though. We have another chicken at this point now and know she is a hen too. We plan to get more this spring as well as expand our coop and enclosure. Will keep you updated!
Do you have a current picture? I think the bird has hormonal problems like Donrae said. The previous pics show absolutely no male specific feathering, which with a comb that big should be obvious. Some hens do grow spurs and if I remember correctly is commonly leghorns. That is a production red and leghorns are frequently bred into production breeds to increase production. I would like to see current pics, please.

That isn't the best pic but it's the most recent. The more research I have done the more I am now wanting to agree with Donrae. Lol. I am not sure what to do for her though. I mean she isn't bothering anything and I want to keep her. It's just confusing.
I see a lack of male feathers. It is a hen!! I can tell you that my alpha hen startend crowing in the past, because there was no rooster around her. She even started mating, but stopped now cause of the rooster i got.
Oh, lucky you, @Idpowell! I had a stray hen show up in my yard on News Years day, 2015 (but I live in the the urban 'burbs, not the country). She looked almost exactly like your new friend, and believe it or not, her name was also Clucky! LOL! Unfortunately she passed away 7 months after she showed up, and after we got her some friends, but she was the best chicken. She came running when we called her, and was always the first to greet us, the only one who liked being held, and just so much fun. And she started my chicken obsession. Congratulations.
Now I'm missing my Clucky :(
Deceiving hen you've got there.
She's got a lovely rooster-looking comb but no rooster feathers!
When I got my hens I thought they were crowing too, and well they kind've are, but no 'cockadoodledoos'.
I knew they were girls.
She is definitely a hen, but one that likely has some sort of ovary dysfunction/malfunction, hormonal imbalance, or even one that is going through henopause. You likely won't see many eggs, if any at all, from her.

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