Infected facial wound on hen!

Here are some good links on canker:

Oral Canker

Canker is a condition mostly associated with pigeons and is caused by a tiny parasite called trichomonas. This parasite is often spread through contaminated drinking water. The parasite causes a ‘yellow button’ of pus to form in your bird’s mouth. This can stop your bird from eating normally leading to weight loss.

What to look for

  • Weight loss
  • Birds picking up food then dropping it
  • A cheese-like plaque in your birds mouth (see photo)
  • A reluctance to eat

Treating canker or suspected canker is a job for a vet who will likely prescribe an anti-parasitic medication.

Ensure that your birds' drinking water is changed daily. Try to keep the drinkers in the chicken house to discourage wild birds from sharing your birds’ water.

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Thanks for the input everyone! It has been a pretty unusually warm and humid week, we've had a ton of rain and whether in the 70s but I haven't noticed any mosquitos.

I'll quarentine and treat for canker. I really hope it hasn't spread already but if it's that infectious that seems unlikely...great :-(

I clean the waters daily. The only standing water I can think of is an area by the hose that puddles that the chickens like to drink out does this mean they can never be freeranged if we want a canker free flock??
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My girls drink out of wet spots in the yard. Everytime I empty a water bowl out for cleaning they all go for it. I would say that free ranging is what keeps most chickens happier and healthier, being outside on grass eating bugs and what not. Canker is common in pigeons, so maybe it was brought in that way.
My girls drink out of wet spots in the yard. Everytime I empty a water bowl out for cleaning they all go for it. I would say that free ranging is what keeps most chickens happier and healthier, being outside on grass eating bugs and what not. Canker is common in pigeons, so maybe it was brought in that way.

I know I've seen small wild birds drink from their waters, never pigeons though. Who knows. I feel at such a loss. I hope we can get her back to normal but if this has spread throughout the flock it seems futile.
Hopefully, others with canker in their flock will speak up with their experiences. There are quite a few threads here on it if you go to the search box at the top of this page. But of course, it has still not been a positive diagnosis. I don't know how long the incubation time is for the disease to show up after exposure. If you should lose or cull her, I would send her off to the state vet or poultry lab for a necropsy. But also consider getting her tested first by your vet.
Just to update:

She is still doing well. She eats and drinks great and is quarentined. No other birds have shown symptoms so far.

I am cleaning and putting antibiotic ointment on the lesion every day. Went to pick up FishZole and neither the pet store nor the feed store had it, but the feed people recommended Terra Vet 10. The active ingrediant is what cures canker sores in humans, not that it's the same, but maybe it will help?

Has anyone used this? They also had Fish Moxicilan.
It has to be an antiprotozoan drug, not an antibiotic like amoxicillan or tetracycline. Fish zole is available online from many sources. If you look back in my post # 19 at the site where they had a good price for FishZole (metronidazole) the most common drug used for it.
It has to be an antiprotozoan drug, not an antibiotic like amoxicillan or tetracycline. Fish zole is available online from many sources. If you look back in my post # 19 at the site where they had a good price for FishZole (metronidazole) the most common drug used for it.

Okay thanks! Will giving the antibiotic in the mean time hurt? I know it's generally not good to give antibiotics without reason but I noticed some wheezing recently anyway.
I hope so too. That is up to you whether or not to use the antibiotic. Sometimes antibiotics, such as amoxicillin, are used together with metronidazole to treat ulcers in humans, and I have read where Casportpony has used some together, but cannot remember what for. I am not a vet, but worked in the medical field, and just interested in chickens. Therefore, I can only give you my opinion. The great thing about this forum is that others with more experience, and the few vets that actually belong to BYC and read posts, can jump in and give opinions as well. Casportpony has a lot more experience using medications, where to get them, and she has talked to a lot of her own vets, so if she has a recommendation, it is usually pretty good advice.
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Last question, I promise! (maybe)

The FishZole will be here in 4-11 business days. Meanwhile the canker is moving from the walls of her beak backwards to the esophogus. I read to NOT remove the canker nodules, as it creates more bacteria. However, I'd hate to lose her to this while the medication is being delivered. Thoughts? And if I should, how are they even removed? Heavy scraping?

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