infected? Wound on ducks toe.


Jul 22, 2015
Hi, I noticed that one of my ducks has a pretty bad wound on her toe. I haven't really noticed it until now however I rarely get a good look at their feet. I have already soaked the foot in warm soapy water,and put antibiotic ointment on the wound. What else can i

do? Please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks!
Good start!

Make sure there is no pain killer in the antibiotic ointment (some painkillers often used in these ointments are toxic to waterfowl, I have read).

I would put an Epsom salt compress on the foot twice a day (E.s. is a laxative, don't let her ingest any) for five or ten minutes, and follow that up with the antibiotic ointment.

This looks to be on the top of the toe, yes? Is that foot or leg much warmer than the other? That can be an indication that infection is spreading. If that happens, then oral or injectable antibiotics may be needed.

Most likely, this will stay localized. Just wanted to give you a heads up.

Also, you can post on the Duck Forum as well, where more duck folk check in.
Thanks you. I think I will Poston the duck four as well, I did make sure there was no painkillers in the ointment. Also I will be trying the Epsom Salt compresses.

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