Info on Buff Orpngtons


12 Years
Nov 13, 2007

I just felt stupid when we bought 2 chicks on what I thought were RIR's and I was telling everyone around me that "I have Rhode Reds! I have one of the most popular breeds in the world! I'll get Xtra large light brown eggs and superior quality meat from these!". They were actually buff orpingtons............but I read about them here and they sound very ok. I saw a pic of a fully grown orpington and it was very huge! Does this mean they will be strong eaters and poopers? More extra info about these orpingtons are appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Orpingtons are an English breed. They will lay a light brown egg. They are considered a heavy breed. They are great for processing to eat or for egg layers as they will continue to lay eggs during cold weather. If you want to let them raise their own chicks, most are good setters and great mothers. Orpingtons are gentle birds and not very agressive. As chicks they will get picked on by other breeds because of their non-agressive behavior. As a heavy breed they will consume a little more feed than a lighter breed.

Now that you know a little more about them, I will let you know my personal opinion on them.(if it's worth anything) Everything above and you could not ask for a better breed to start with! I had 11 at one time and sold them all and have kicked myself ever since!!
I think you will love them. Mine use to like to sit on my lap and the one's that could not fit on my lap would untie my boot laces. You could not ask for a better chicken!
I would tend to agree with lyndatu on buff o's. I, have 45 hens and 52 cockerels at present. The hens are all laying an egg a day;large to jumbo in size. I free-range my birds so that cuts down drastically on feed costs. I butcher cocks at 12-14 weeks;dressed weight 5.5-6.0 lbs.
They're fairly docile and friendly even more so than my Delawares! Ya gotta love them! Also,they're the most beautiful gold color with bright pinkish red wattles and combs!
Oh, I suddenly fell in love with Orpingtons!
I would like to have a broody and egg-laying chicken! I also heard they're docile, sweet, and tame.

Unfortunately I am beginning to think again that my chicks are Rhode Island Reds
...........Suddenly I felt sad........Which are better, Orpingtons or Rhode Island Reds?

I like egg-layers, broody, and friendly.

I really want an orpington......really......
Name the Breed: Rhode Island Reds or Buff Orpingtons?

(Oh and they're "browner" in real life than these pics. My camera phone is a little down when the light conditions keep changing.)









Though it might be visible, there's a red tip on their beak. It's like they dipped their beak in blood or something......

I also got a thread on the "What Breed or Gender is This?" that's loaded with pictures. BYC rocks in countless ways.

Thanks in advance
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I have 2 BO's and they looked a little different than those. Mine have pink legs.....the pictures a fuzzy, but those look yellowish. My BO's did not have any coloring in the wings like that.
Thanks, Lurky

I wish I can have a REAL camera..........I only use a camera phone.......I think I'm going to wish for one from santa!

Yes, they look kinda yellowish in the pics, but they're actually more brown. They are moderate-dark brown on top, and a flesh-yellow color at the bottom. Their color are much like the bread part of strawberry cheesecakes
Darn camera..........I can't get the lighting right!

Thanks.......more answers, pls!
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If they have yellow legs they are not Orpingtons. They would be Buff Rocks. A buff Orp always has white legs. RIR has yellow legs also. Look at the legs

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