Ingrown Leg Band on Pullet

Ramblin Rooster

7 Years
Apr 14, 2012
Fairfield, Connecticut
I have been faced with the unfortunate issue that involves a leg band becoming embedded in my hen's leg. After having this issue once before, I removed the leg bands from all my birds except for two (who I couldn't catch) and sure enough, one of those two is now limping around the coop, with a leg band embedded in her leg! (At least now I will be able to catch her!

Last time the vet did the job of removing the leg band, and I don't really remember what that entailed. That being said, I have done bumblefoot surgery before, and I have the supplies to do a 'surgical removal' of the leg band. I haven't done this before, so hearing how someone else did it would be helpful, seeing I am not sure how to clip the leg band without clipping off some of the chicken as well. Pictures would be a blessing, and thank you in advance to whoever can help me out.
It would be good to get a small pointed pair of scissors, so that you can slip a point under the band. Before starting, put some betadine or similar on the skin. There may be some digging to get under the band. A vet may be a good thing to help.
I never followed up, we did "surgery" in our garage with a scalpel and wire cutters, and were very successful! She has made a full recovery. Thanks for the help, Betadine was a very good idea.

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