
6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
I have 4 Buff Orphington ducks that are 2 years old. They free range with my chickens in our yard which is surrounded by fields with a treeline on one side. Four days ago when I went out to put everyone in the coop for the night, one of the female ducks was missing. When she was not there the next morning I assumed a predator had snatched her.
Three days later (yesterday) my husband found her under a lawn chair in the back yard. Something had attacled her but she found her way home.
She was covered in blood and there were bite marks on her bill. Her left eye was full of white foam and her right wing hanging beside her body. I took her inside and gave her a warm bath. There were several raw areas on the wing and other than a clump of feathers missing over the tail she didn't seem to be hurt too badly.
I have silver spray which I rubbed over her bill and sprayed on the wing injuries.
I am not sure what to do for the eye as it was filled with foam again this morning.
I am also not sure what to do about her wing.
Any suggestions will be very appreciated. IMG_20190509_084207551.jpg IMG_20190509_084238261.jpg IMG_20190509_084253617.jpg
Amazing that she survived and returned - you're very lucky! Since she was injured in her head area, her eye may also have been injured. Since eye injuries may be serious, having an avian vet examine and treat it would be best. If that's not an option, I would irrigate it gently with saline (not regular water because that could burn), take a look at what's going on there (post another pic!), and apply Terramycin ophthalmic ointment until the eye condition clears. Another option, if you want to avoid antibiotics, is Vetericyn Ophthalmic Gel.

Can you tell if the wing is broken? It may just be sore and injured, but not broken, but you'll need to closely examine and gently palpate it to determine if there's a break (again, if an option, an avian vet would be most qualified to make a diagnosis).

Best wishes for your lovely girl's recovery!
I know we are lucky, I had given her up for gone. She seems to be doing well. She is eating her pellets but I mixed them with water because she didn't want to eat the hard ones. I think she may have some mouth pain. She is drinking and had some lettuce leaves today. I have just been cleaning the eye frequently with Woundade Natural topical solution. It is a spray bottle and has a fine mist spray which she doesn't mind. I have just kept her quiet in a tote with the lid off and am going to address the wing issue in the morning after she has had a day to become rehydrated and nourished. If the eye doesn't look better in the morning I will go to Rural King or TSC and see if I can find the ophthalmic gel. I appreciate your help an will let you know how she is in the morning :)

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