Injured hen won't drink

Same as yesterday, eyes closed, gets up moves around and lays down again, doesn't like the water, won't eat the food.
You're at the critical point now and dehydration is setting in. If she doesn't start drinking on her own she will die from dehydration unless you tube fluids to her. Once her organs shut down it will be too late to try.

It turns out it was throw-up. It is now more mucus than foam, and it is stuck in her mouth. She is a lot more responsive and active than yesterday
I got her feeling better, and she seemed to be getting better, but sadly she died after 5 weeks. I'm pretty sure there was damage to the brain.
Very sorry for your loss. Can you tell me how her recovery went?

I have a hen that was attacked by a dog. Thurs will be four weeks since this happened. I believe she has some sort of neck injury. She was in shock and then we had crop issues. We are seeing a really big turn around this week. Neck is not completely better but she can finally eat on her own (We spoon fed her for 3.5 weeks). She is alert and is starting to "talk" to us. Her walking gets a little more steady every day. For the first time, I was thinking we got this and she was going to recover. Then I read your post. After almost four weeks, I am become way too invested in this chicken to lose now.
Very sorry for your loss.  Can you tell me how her recovery went?

I have a hen that was attacked by a dog.   Thurs will be four weeks since this happened.  I believe she has some sort of neck injury.  She was in shock and then we had crop issues.  We are seeing a really big turn around this week.  Neck is not completely better but she can finally eat on her own (We spoon fed her for 3.5 weeks).  She is alert and is starting to "talk" to us.  Her walking gets a little more steady every day.  For the first time, I was thinking we got this and she was going to recover.  Then I read your post.    After almost four weeks, I am become way too invested in this chicken to lose now.
I'm pretty sure my chicken had damage to her brain. Mine was doing the same, then all of the sudden she died one day while we were gone. I hope yours makes a full recovery!
Kathy, I am interested in how you "spoon fed" her for 3.5 weeks. My hens were attacked yesterday (I think by an owl) and the 3 survivors are still in shock and haven't eaten or drank anything in over 24 hours. I have one of them (the worst injured) in the house and she has no interest in food or water still. Did you mix the food with something to liquify it?

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