
7 Years
Jan 16, 2017
Hi everyone,

I have a hen that is constantly limping , so I have her sectioned off from the rest. She's the one lowest in the order and roosters I have are constantly chasing her. I figured she must have hurt her leg or sprained it because I dont see any open cuts or anything. Does anyone know any natural remedies or something I can do to help with the pain?

She's constantly sitting (which is understandable) but she's not eating like she used to and her entire back is losing feathers. I have no idea what to do now.

Any help is appreciated,
I'm sorry you're having trouble.

It sounds like she may have injured the leg getting away from the roosters and she may be suffering from being over-mated if you have several roosters. How many hens to roosters do you have?

Keep her separated where she can see the others to give her time to rest and recover.
A hen that is being mated a lot, will sometimes not eat very well - she's constantly on the defensive (getting away) and doesn't have time to get to food/water, preen or dust bathe like she should.

Once she is separated - hopefully she will eat/drink well and regain her strength. Provide her with poultry vitamins for a few days, give her normal feed along with some extra protein and a small amount of fresh greens/veggies. Feather loss (bare backed) is most like from over-mating. Most of the time the feathers won't grow back in until she molts. Inspect her skin, especially under the wings for any cuts/scrapes and treat them. Also check her over for any lice/mites while your at it. A hen apron/chicken saddle can offer some protection when being mated, but it's not a complete fix. Evaluating your rooster to hen ratio and your chicken keeping goals would be a good idea. Sometimes roosters need to be housed separately to give the hens a break or if you don't need all of them - then consider re-homing or butchering a few.
Thank you so much!!!! I did exactly that and she is much better. I'm separating the roosters and the other hens seem much calmer as well and everything is going much better.

Thanks so much for your advice- I really appreciate it!

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