Interested in determining breeds of the chickens I was given...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 17, 2013
Hey all,

I'm new to keeping chickens and was given a coop with 15 (I only wanted 3 or 4 -- LOL). Anyhow, I've been researching for the last 6 months or so and think that I can identify a few, but was wondering if I could get some help.

I'm fairly confident that this girl is a Leghorn.

In this grouping, I know that the far right is a Barred Rock, and think that the white one is a Plymouth rock (she has a small comb and is bigger/fatter than the leghorn pictured above). I have a guess about 1 of the other 3 on the left, but I'm not positive. I want to say the one closest to the camera is a Rhode Island Red, but I have no idea about the other two.

Another "group" shot, with a better picture of one of the white chickens.

A better picture of the one at the bottom of the picture above:

I think this one is an Easter Egger

Thank you in advance.

Hey all,

I'm new to keeping chickens and was given a coop with 15 (I only wanted 3 or 4 -- LOL). Anyhow, I've been researching for the last 6 months or so and think that I can identify a few, but was wondering if I could get some help.

I'm fairly confident that this girl is a Leghorn.
White Leghorn

In this grouping, I know that the far right is a Barred Rock, and think that the white one is a Plymouth rock (she has a small comb and is bigger/fatter than the leghorn pictured above). I have a guess about 1 of the other 3 on the left, but I'm not positive. I want to say the one closest to the camera is a Rhode Island Red, but I have no idea about the other two.
Does the white bird have red earlobes? If so, she is a White Rock; otherwise, she's probably just a chunky White Leghorn. The barred bird is a Barred Plymouth Rock. On the left, I see a Rhode Island Red (on the bottom of the photo), an Easter Egger, and possibly a Production Red.

Another "group" shot, with a better picture of one of the white chickens.
Easter Egger, Rhode Island Red or Production Red, Barred Plymouth Rock, White Leghorn.

A better picture of the one at the bottom of the picture above:
Easter Egger,

I think this one is an Easter Egger
Easter Egger

Thank you in advance.

Hey all,

I'm new to keeping chickens and was given a coop with 15 (I only wanted 3 or 4 -- LOL). Anyhow, I've been researching for the last 6 months or so and think that I can identify a few, but was wondering if I could get some help.

I'm fairly confident that this girl is a Leghorn.
White Leghorn hen.

In this grouping, I know that the far right is a Barred Rock, and think that the white one is a Plymouth rock (she has a small comb and is bigger/fatter than the leghorn pictured above). I have a guess about 1 of the other 3 on the left, but I'm not positive. I want to say the one closest to the camera is a Rhode Island Red, but I have no idea about the other two.
Dark red bird in lower left: Rhode Island Red.
Golden/Black bird peaking out from beneath building: Probably an Easter Egger.
Brown/red bird with head beneath building: Not sure with this photo, but could be a production Red or New Hamshire.
White bird: Can't tell, a head photo would help.
Barred bird: Barred Plymouth Rock

Another "group" shot, with a better picture of one of the white chickens.

A better picture of the one at the bottom of the picture above:
Easter Egger.

I think this one is an Easter Egger
Easter Egger.

Thank you in advance.


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