Interesting chicken behavior


In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2016
My RIR is my only layer right now. She started laying about 18 weeks. My 3 hatchery EE still haven't laid and are now 27ish weeks. Today I was chicken watching and I saw this.....


My RIR is laying her egg and my EE is standing guard for her!
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I have an orpington rooster who will go into the nesting boxes with the ladies and 'sit'/stand guard until they lay their eggs. The only problem is he is too big for the nesting boxes. He will often be stuck with either his tail or head sticking out, and some very grumpy hens inside :p
Lol! I have all hens. No roosters here. She really only likes the white one to be in there with her. Most of the time she kicks the gray ones out

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