Hi all, I have six hens, a year old. For the most part they seem to get a long but roosting in the coop at night can be an issue. I know they have their pecking order but they can be so rough. Tonight my EE literally pecked and pulled my BO's comb. The BO got knocked from her spot as a result- most nights end up this way with her getting booted and having to find another roost spot. Do you ever interfere with the roost bullying? A couple of times I have by taking a chicken down while another gets situated or helping a chicken find a roost spot away from their bully. Should I just let nature take its course and leave them alone? For further info, they do not do this all the time, just sometimes. There is adequate space for them as well as ventilation...they seem comfortable in there. They all prefer either a window spot or the spot right in the middle. Some will "babysit" the roost- walking along it as to prevent other chickens from jumping up...