
LOL...Gunshot.....already in your first fight! :lau Just kidding! Definitely @drumstick diva mean't no harm. Just educating. You are unusual for the new kid on the block. You actually know the breeds of your chickens. Usually people join to FIND OUT what breed they have and if its a roo or hen. Having said that, my first time with chickens I purchased 6 chicks and a coop at TSC. They were labelled Rock Cornish Hens. Got them home and they kept eating and eating and eating. Called my friend who has had chickens for 30 years and said I had to go buy more food and she said "Impossible". I replied "Possible". She came over and looked at my chicks and said something was wrong, they should still be cute little fur babies. So I told her maybe they gave me turkey chicks accidentally (I was clueless to chickens and turkeys). I looked up pictures of turkey chicks and right underneath the very first picture I saw, was a picture of my chicks. I went and read the info and found out I had Cornish X and that they would die within 8-10 weeks if they weren't processed. I nearly fell on the floor. I had no intention of going this direction....well at least starting out...maybe 3-5 years down the line after I had some knowledge of chickens. Needless to say I learned to process chickens and how to read up on breeds and decide what I wanted. It did come in handy though, found out my stats on roosters to hens are crappy so I've been able to give lots of roosters away but if I can't, I've taken care of them myself. Welcome to BYC Gunshot (love that tag). Excited to see how your babies grow....including the beautiful and handsome ones (the humans) :welcome
Just picked up a rir, wellsummer, salmon favorole, isa brwn, araucauna, and cinnamon queen.
Welcome to BYC
Yes I know this. I plan on processing them at 8-10 weeks. I'm a bit confused on what this has to do with an introduction?
Give yourself a few months here and you'll oul see just how often it happens that someone does not realize they have a flock of meat birds and are entirely unprepared for the realities that brings with it. @drumstick diva was asking in case you fell into that category, not to imply anything other than that.
I meant to add..... darling photo of your human chick with the chick, kids and chickens are a great fit and yours is getting valuable experience in where eggs *and* meat come from, double benefit.

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