Introduce Two Fathers to their Ducklings?


Aug 24, 2018
West Virginia
Sorry, this is the second time I posted on this forum, and I don’t want to clog it up. It’s just, we have a Cayuga male and Pekin male and one female Pekin! I know the ratio is bad, and we have been searching for more females! Now, Pato (the female) had babies/ducklings! They look like they may be from both males? They are almost 4 weeks old, and the cutest little fluff butts! The male Pekin and male Cayuga are in a separate pen and have been for the past 4 weeks! Pato has been with her babies! The males can see and hear the babies constantly. The pen the males are staying in is too small for permanent living. Will there be a good time to introduce them? Hercules (the male Pekin) when a duckling walk up to the fence, fluffs his feathers and acts like he wants to run it over. :barnie Honestly the Cayuga male, Des, just runs from the ducklings. Any help appreciated because our males are starting to fight in the small pen and our smaller male is loosing feathers!​
You may have to give the ducklings more time to get closer to the size of the adults. Drakes can often injure even kill. And can also try and mate young ducklings. If you want to see how it goes and you free range. That would be the best way to let them all be together and you be right there in case one of the drakes decides to try and harm someone. Yes please pics we’d love to see them all.
You may have to give the ducklings more time to get closer to the size of the adults. Drakes can often injure even kill. And can also try and mate young ducklings. If you want to see how it goes and you free range. That would be the best way to let them all be together and you be right there in case one of the drakes decides to try and harm someone. Yes please pics we’d love to see them all.

We are letting the babies free range during the day, but put them in a pen at night. My parents want me to get rid of the ducklings, but I can thankfully keep 2 or 3! The only issue is we have to keep females for the ratio of males to females! Will we have to wait till the feather that curls comes in? Also to ensure Pato and the males stay in touch we let them out together sometimes while the babies stay in their lot!

Here are some pictures!
Another couple of weeks you should start to hear some quacking off an on. The females will start to quack in between peeps the drakes will continue to peep. I believe my Runners were around 10 weeks before they were belting out those loud quacks but I’d hear some soft ones before then. Gorgeous ducklings.
Another couple of weeks you should start to hear some quacking off an on. The females will start to quack in between peeps the drakes will continue to peep. I believe my Runners were around 10 weeks before they were belting out those loud quacks but I’d hear some soft ones before then. Gorgeous ducklings.
Thank you! They make the cutest little peeps right now! This is our first actual hatch? I’m not sure what you call it! We’ve always bought 5-6 day old ducklings, but these our from our own! I really hope Herc and Des accept the ducklings so I can get pictures of them all together!
they are so cute! You will know soon enough like @Miss Lydia said. Just enjoy the time you have with them now but don't let your grown drakes be with them. I'm going through that now too. I want to put them all together so bad but I'm afraid my older drake will act a fool and hurt my baby girls. I know you don't want that to happen to yours!
Thank you! My family is already wanting to sell them. I really want to keep them all! I can’t wait till they can be a family, especially since Hercules keeps hurting Des. I am prepared to wait, and it seems like treats keeps Herc distracted! :rolleyes:

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