Introducing 2 wk olds to 9 wk olds


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 16, 2012
I just brought home 3- 2wk old chicks. I already have 8- 9wk olds. When and how should I introduce them together?
They should get along, but keep an eye on them at first. The older ones may be a bit peckish at first. It's good to add a little distraction when you introduce them, like treats.
I recently introduced my 1 week olds to my 4 week olds. I worried that the older ones would pick on the younger ones, I ended up having to protect the bigger ones from the babies. Remember to watch all of them for bad behaviors and break them up if there begins to be to many issues. I did it in my yard with a cage the babies could fit into but not the larger ones so the babies could get away if they needed to.
I also spread around some canned salmon and bread.
2 wk olds with 9 wk olds I would not do. Their ages are really incompatible with their current living arrangements anyhow. :) Your older chicks I'm sure are in the coop already, your 2 wk olds aren't ready to be away from the heat lamp for a few more weeks. I have some 10-12 wk olds and some 2 wk olds right now and the older chicks try to bite them every time they see them through the chicken wire. I can only imagine if I put them in there what would happen to the poor darlings.
2 wk olds with 9 wk olds I would not do. Their ages are really incompatible with their current living arrangements anyhow. :) Your older chicks I'm sure are in the coop already, your 2 wk olds aren't ready to be away from the heat lamp for a few more weeks. I have some 10-12 wk olds and some 2 wk olds right now and the older chicks try to bite them every time they see them through the chicken wire. I can only imagine if I put them in there what would happen to the poor darlings.

I agree. The young ones need heat supplementation and chicks that much older will often peck and bully the small ones too much.
Thank you. I think I will wait for the younger ones to finish feathering out. I am thinking they are older than 2 weeks. The only fuzz left is a little around the neck. They seem to prefer the temp to be between 70 and 75.

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