introducing/integrating one new goose to a goose/gander couple


Expecting Miracles
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
Im thinking of ordering one female pilgrim gosling in the spring when I get a few new ducklings from metzer.
I already have a pilgrim couple that will be 4 years old next spring.
I keep my geese separate from my ducks & chickens,
I want my new gosling to be friendly and let me hold her and pet her so I plan to cuddle her a lot when little.
How and when would I introduce her to the other geese?
Im thinking of ordering one female pilgrim gosling in the spring when I get a few new ducklings from metzer.
I already have a pilgrim couple that will be 4 years old next spring.
I keep my geese separate from my ducks & chickens,
I want my new gosling to be friendly and let me hold her and pet her so I plan to cuddle her a lot when little.
How and when would I introduce her to the other geese?
I wish I had an answer for you; you have all been tremendously helpful. My pilgrim geese, duck, and chickens all get along and hang out together. When my two pilgrim girls were younger, they let me hold and pet them, but as they grew older, they no longer wanted that kind of attention. I started with one gander and one female; the female, along with one of my four pekin ducks, was killed by who knows what. I felt bad for my gander, so I drove 6 hours to get two more for him. He is now content, and with the exception of a large lump on one of my girls' faces, they are all happy and healthy (I would love to know what that lump is). Wishing you luck.:)

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