Introducing my peafowl to free range


Oct 31, 2023
I have two sweet peafowl, just turning 6 mos old. They've been babies by me, they're now in a walk-in aviary, but I really want them outside, roaming free, perching in trees at nite, but I don't want them to roam, to get harmed. I have it down making sure they have a safe, well-known home (my property is all they know), they know where food can be expected, but I'm still apprehensive letting them roam free.. is it worth the risk? I live on six-acres of all trees, on a busy road, where 4 of my neighbors each have dozens of chickens roaming free, crossing the busy road. Also, I don't want anyone harming them, knowing that peafowl can be noisy at nite (so far, mine are still quiet), and I also don't want any stealing them because peafowl are not normal birds here.
Any tricks/tips are appreciated.
I used to have my peahen in an aviary. You should let your chicks out for a bit each day. They should get used to being outside and they shouldn't wander too far.
I love that idea, thank you! I really want them out free to explore, plus, they seem bored with my feed, I'm constantly having to mix live crickets with canned pate cat food and it's getting expensive (and quite a hassle), but thanks so much for the advice, I'll gladly try it for them.
Never free range a bird you are not willing to lose. Only let one out at a time and let it back in the pen in the evening. Only feed it in the pen so it wants to return in the evening. Alternate birds on alternate days. They are bonded to each other and will want to stay close. If your pen is at least 300 sq ft with a coop I would consider keeping them contained during bad weather only letting them out on nice days until next spring. Owls like chicks and small yearlings, they don't bother larger birds as much. Owls hatch their young during mid-winter so they are hunting a lot.
Never free range a bird you are not willing to lose. Only let one out at a time and let it back in the pen in the evening. Only feed it in the pen so it wants to return in the evening. Alternate birds on alternate days. They are bonded to each other and will want to stay close. If your pen is at least 300 sq ft with a coop I would consider keeping them contained during bad weather only letting them out on nice days until next spring. Owls like chicks and small yearlings, they don't bother larger birds as much. Owls hatch their young during mid-winter so they are hunting a lot.
That's an excellent idea, separating them with free range trails, thank you for that! And yes, they are very attached, i raised them together from chicks. They are the sweetest birds and very social with me, I would be devastated if they got harmed from me being careless (I do have many owls, and hawks). Thanks so much for the input!

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