

In the Brooder
Sep 16, 2018
Hello all!

I just joined this community today after finding the link via a google search for how many chickens I can fit in my new enclosure.

I currently have 12 chickens, 2 we thought had disappeared with an older group of ours, so we picked up 10 more from someone downsizing their flock, a few Eggers, 3 BLW, and some Jersey Giants, our two tag alongs are Rhode Island Reds. Currently, they reside in a pallet coop that is kind of a backyard creation, but I recently found some chainlink panels that we are going to create a 20'x20' enclosure for them and possibly add a few more to our flock!

I will be putting netting over the top of the enclosure to keep them from hurdling over it, and lining the inside of the chainlink with chicken wire. We have a neat older set of nesting boxes from an old chicken house from our property, but the access point for retrieving the eggs is a lifting door from what is supposed to be the outside, so I am trying to figure out how to incorporate those boxes while still using our chainlink panels.

Im super excited to have a large area for our chickens to inhabit that they won't NEED to be out and about during the day free ranging, though they will be allowed to once they know where to come back to. We are in Kansas so we don't have bears or mountain lions in our area, just coyotes, foxes, opossums, raccoons, and the occasional hawk.

Our 4 dogs leave them alone as well and can be outside with them unsupervised even! 3 Border Collies and 1 Red Heeler!!!

What 'obstacles' or items do you put in your chicken runs?

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