Invasion of flies......HELP


In the Brooder
Jan 18, 2016
All of a sudden we have flies galore in the chicken run. We're not having a problem in the coop, just the run. Any suggestions on how to control the flies?
Is your run covered or open? Is the run bedded with anything, if so what, or dirt? How large is the run and how many birds are being kept in it? What is your housekeeping routine for the run? Are you experiencing a lot of wet weather/is the ground in/around the run wet?
It's an open run about 30x40 with 10 chickens. No bedding, just dirt & grass. We haven't had any rain in a while, so it's very dry.
We suddenly have horrible flies too! I sprinkled some DE and fresh forage material (leaves, lawn clippings, etc), but it has not gotten rid of them completely. I read rosemary was a detractant, so I have rosemary planted along 2 of the sides of our coop. Unfortunately, they are still baby plants and not putting off much smell. I am hoping you get some answers that will help me too!
Are you guys having problems with the green flies or just plain old flies? I'm having the problem with the green ones here in NC.
The flies are horrible this year. Our coop is free of them the yard is a pain. The coop is sand floor, with poop decks that have sweet pdz and the sand i have some de mixed into. I also sprinkle dry herbs all over the floor and in the nest boxes.

Ours free range our backyard so it's a lot of space to poo. I sprinkle dry rosemary and lavender around our doorways and places we hang out at and that keeps those area's fairly clear. I'm starting to plant lavender, rosemary, mint plants and other herbs flies don't like to see which survive the chickens and help get the flies down.

In a run I'd probably add a mix of dry herbs (look on line you can get bulk organic dry herbs), de and sand to help keep it dry and have odors the flies don't like.

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