Iowa Blue Chickens - Understanding The Traditional Type

OH, and I can add another off type found in the traditional line......... some individuals express white in the earlobe. This is a no, no. They should be red.
No doubt the Campine and Fayoumi are prime suspects of this fault's introduction....
Hey everyone! I was thinking today about the many different stories breeders have about their Iowa Blues taking on various predators when other breeds run for cover. I thought it would make a great conversation if breeders had a place they could share their stories about how their cockbird chased off a raccon, their broody hen took on a hawk, or their little 1 month old chicks grouped together and chased around the barn cat.

So, I started a thread to to just that! It's titled Iowa Blue Chickens vs. Predators .......catchy huh?
The link is below, hopefully it'll take you there. When I have more time, I'll get a couple of experiences posted. Until then, you all who have your stories, post away!

P.S. I thought this would make a great promotional for the breed as new comers to chickens and those searching for a new breed to take on can read through these testimonials and learn more about the Iowa Blue character!
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Jake in Michigan got some eggs from Kari to hatch. He just rehomed two of his flock to us and we are very interested in breeding these birds. We will be getting his two birchen pullets and the silvery cockerel he has, free to our good home.

Jake swears that the photo of the hen below is a Delaware that hatched from eggs from his Delaware duo in June. The white one is obvious, but the other girl looks just like an Iowa Blue to me. He claims that that hen shows traits from the grandparents??? one thing that makes me think otherwise is the "slate" legs on her...they are grey not yellow like Delaware legs.

I am not sure she is considered "traditional" silver at this point? She is about 17 weeks old in this photo

I appreciate your input

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This young pullet definately looks like the Silver type from the McKay-Widdel line. (Kari's birds
). However, I didn't think Jake had any birds from Kari that were that old........I'll have to touch base with her.

As far as color goes, she's definately well within the "range" for the traditional Silver pattern and she could make a great start for someone wanting to breed Iowa Blues. I would encourage you to locate a Silver cockbird to put over her if at all possible. The Birchen pattern is dominant and will give you a majority Birchen colored birds should she be put on a Birchen cockbird.

Not only is the traditional pattern remarkably stunning to look at, but their personalities are so unique from all the rest of the chicken breeds that we have in the States. Hopefully you'll find them just as amazing as well all do!

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
This young pullet definately looks like the Silver type from the McKay-Widdel line. (Kari's birds
). However, I didn't think Jake had any birds from Kari that were that old........I'll have to touch base with her.

As far as color goes, she's definately well within the "range" for the traditional Silver pattern and she could make a great start for someone wanting to breed Iowa Blues. I would encourage you to locate a Silver cockbird to put over her if at all possible. The Birchen pattern is dominant and will give you a majority Birchen colored birds should she be put on a Birchen cockbird.

Not only is the traditional pattern remarkably stunning to look at, but their personalities are so unique from all the rest of the chicken breeds that we have in the States. Hopefully you'll find them just as amazing as well all do!

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
I got the two birds from Jake and he said they hatched in mid/late June? So I guess they are 16 weeks not 17. I think he ended up with 8 birds from her hatch, not sure. He said he just gave 5 to someone in southern Michigan and now Brett my DH and I want the three he has left from Kari's hatch. I believe Jake hatched all the birds from eggs this year so she is not a cross as far as I know, but he really is insisting that our little "Sweetie" is a Delaware.
So Jake did not include her in his tally from Kari's hatch?

She is so pretty and has that upright tail. She is laying already the egg that is in the middle of my avatar picture, the small creamy tan one. I actually saw her lay it outside when she was taken out of quarantine pen with her "sister" to enjoy the beautiful sunny day yesterday. We will join the thread and post photos of Jake's other three so you can see what he hatched. I do not believe he takes or posts photos of his birds. Brett and I requested membership to the club and really want to help this breed along!

Thank you so much Curt-for your answer here as Brett and I have pages to catch up on traditional type of Iowa Blue and the breed thread. I noticed the slate legs were changed to dark willow for breed standard (darn, Sweetie has medium grey legs)
She trills when she is relaxing, coos, and talks up a storm to us. Very excited to be outside, paces nervously in the temp cage on the grass. We can't let her out yet, she doesn't know where her home is yet!

Til' next time we post the photos of our two new pullets and new cockerel
By the way, Jake described the cockerel as SP but am looking forward to everyone's expertise and critique of his hatch and our new flock. We are going to maintain a separate coop for them.
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I have a delaware from Jake's eggs and the huge difference between them is the puffy feathers the the Dellies have. They are a round shape and carry their tail very differently. IaBs have tight feathers and no big fluffy cushion. My Dellie also has bright yellow-orange legs. Have a look at the way Sweetie runs around. If she zips around after bugs with her tail tight and carried high like a shark fin, she is likely one of mine. She is the right age, Jake hatched 2 batches from me in May and June.

My line will produce slate and willow legs and sometimes yellow on the Silver males. The club is actually considering switching to "Slate" on the advice of some of the judges we have shown under. We went with "dark willow" because genetically the underlying skin color is most commonly yellow and we see a wide range of shades where sometimes that shows through. However in the world of the Standard of Perfection they only care what it looks like. "Slate" is the gray color Sweetie has on her shanks, though the bottom of her feet may be yellow. As breeders, I think we will try to weed out the yellow skin too so they will be true Slate.
Candy442 -

Welcome aboard! It seems you've caught the "Iowa Blue Bug" too!!! I have yet to meet someone who isn't completely smitten once they get their first Iowa Blues! hahaha I know breeders who use to raise many breeds who now raise the Iowa Blue exclusively, that's just the way they are. They get you wrapped around their finger....well maybe more like their wing! hahaha

Do send us some pictures if you get the cockerel from Jake........
Candy442 -

Welcome aboard! It seems you've caught the "Iowa Blue Bug" too!!! I have yet to meet someone who isn't completely smitten once they get their first Iowa Blues! hahaha I know breeders who use to raise many breeds who now raise the Iowa Blue exclusively, that's just the way they are. They get you wrapped around their finger....well maybe more like their wing! hahaha

Do send us some pictures if you get the cockerel from Jake........

We sure have got the bug. Sweetie is what Jake named her and we kept the name. She is a character with her noises and trying to get the other flock to come visit her in the pole barn. She paces back and forth quickly in her pen to get a look at the other girls
. We have never had a chicken flock before but we were certain we wished to help a breed and this one will be it. I am still partial to the white Chanteclers and wanted those before we bought our first discount chicks at the feed store (.50 cents each for Red sex links). I did add one White Chantecler due to one of our EE's getting done in by loose pet dogs and she is huge and pretty! very neat girl. Then one of our RSLs was killed by another set of loose pet dogs and that is when I read Jake had two girls to rehome. He didn't have pictures, but I told him we would take them. Sweetie was unique the moment we started driving back home. She was trilling and singing to us all the way home. We had her and Icee in a nice cage in the back seat. I believe we will be picking up the three IaBs on the 21st. This is my DH's birthday present
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I just weighed my 4 pullets from Denny today. Here goes! The number codes are their wing bands.
B801: 3lb 5 oz
B802: 3lb 8 oz
B803: 3lb 6 oz
B804: 3lb

My cockerel I got from Denny is 3lb 9oz at 4 months old. My pullets are 4.5 months old. I'm so excited, they're looking great so far! My favorite (B802) is built like a block.... even at 4.5 months she is already so filled out!

This is B801. I don't really like the striping in her hackles, but I like her tail set a lot and her coloring is nice IMO.

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