Iowa Blues Chicken Club (IBCC) - Breed Standard Discussion / Club Discussion

I set 10 eggs from my best pair, so hoping for a decent hatch. Looks like my my lights are starting to work, getting more eggs the last couple days, so will start saving up the next batch to set in 10 days and will keep 'em going. Really want to keep the chicks out of THIS hatch because I know she's the layer, the other 3 are in molt and not laying (until today), so 10 eggs from Belle, my favorite hen, woot, x Silverman, my favorite rooster.
I'll collect some for your next round if you like. I have a broody in there that will keep the eggs from freezing for me.
I guess she decided she's serious since she bit me instead of jumping out of the basket when I went in to collect.
Woot, 3 IB eggs today along with 2 green and 1 blue from the other layers, lights are working. I've got 4 IB layer hens right now, had been getting one sporadic egg every 2 to 4 days, 2 weeks ago went up to daily, last few days up to multiples/day. Go girls. Want to get as many chicks hatched out as I can for this year.
I'd like to get in line for eggs also! I'm really liking the way y'all came together to form the IB breed club and how exciting this all is becoming. Please drop me an email and let me know if you are willing to work with me as a new breeder. I'll join the club - just send the info. Thanks, wvdan44
I'd like to get in line for eggs also! I'm really liking the way y'all came together to form the IB breed club and how exciting this all is becoming. Please drop me an email and let me know if you are willing to work with me as a new breeder. I'll join the club - just send the info. Thanks, wvdan44
Welcome Dan I to am new to the breed myself ! I like the fact of being involved on the ground floor I'm anxious....Hang on a minute...(Honey get out of the darn bourbon balls those are for the party tonight ! ) Ok i'm back... it will be awesome to learn and grow along with club and the breed as a whole.
Hey Pickled, I love bourbon balls! Send me a few along with a batch of eggs HA! Looks like you and me are on the same page. I look forward to a project like this. I always need a project to work on, and what could be more worthy than developing such a great little bird as these. I look forward to reading every comment on this forum (I have made a good start) and becoming a IB Club member and breeder. BTW I am also interested in keeping New Hampshires, and Australorps-(have three pullets now).
grr that broody is wicked! last night she ripped into me and broke an egg I was trying to get out from under her. I guess Ill have to take her out of the basket first from now on.

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