Is 2 week old chick trying to crow

Spud Chicken

12 Years
May 26, 2011
In Oct. only one Blue Orpington chick hatched. Yesterday I was holding the chick, and it does all the motions of a rooster crowing but no sound. At this post the chick is 16 days old and was wondering if this chick might be rooster.
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no chick would even be thinking of crowing at this age
Actually, this question has come up before on BYC and I read a reply from someone on another thread that her roo started "crowing" at only 5 days of age. The description was very similar to what you are describing.
I got Norwegian Jaerhon hatching eggs. I ended up with 4 cockerels and 5 pullets... I had one of the baby roos crow at just under 2 wks... and he did it daily!!! When I first heard I rushed to the brooder because I thought someone had to be dying from the sound he was making... nope as I stood there he did it again... the whole 9 yards... puffed out chest, wing flapping... it was hysterical. They are not quite 8 weeks old and some of the cockerels are trying to mount the pullets
of course the girls will have none of that

Apparently these birds do mature early

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