is 2X2 wire ok for qauils?


10 Years
Oct 17, 2009
i'm building my quail pens in a week or so and would like to know if 2X2 inch wire is or for the front?

i will have good and water on the out side so the quails have more space in the cage but is 2X2 wire or?

any help would be great.

cheers youri.
2x2 wire is fine for keeping coturnix in, but not good for keeping critters out.
If they are going to be in an enclosed area away from critters, then that should work fine.

If they are going to be outside, then no less than 1/2" hardware cloth all around, and keep their little heads inside the hardware cloth.
1x2 wire for sides/top and 1/2x1 for flooring is great (rabbit cages!) And if you have a pan underneath, then nothing (but rats, eww) are gonna get their feeties. 1x2 they can stick their heads though - and if you have a water trough outside the pen, they can drink from that and not soil it. I love using the water bottles with them though - they figure them out quick by pecking at the metal ball in the end
Actually I think 2" wire would be a bit big, it wouldn't take them much to get out. My cages are 1 x1 1/2" on the sides and top, and 1 x 1/2 on the bottom.

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