Is anyone else a compulsive Cookbook Collector?


The Happy Hen
11 Years
May 16, 2008
Nesconset, LI, NY

Looking around, I see that I have an incredible amount of cookbooks! Some are antique, others are used, and yet others I purchased new (lots of them). If that’s not bad enough, I print plenty of recipes from various sites on the internet including, of course, BYC! It goes without saying that I have the BYC “My Pet Makes Me Breakfast” cookbook. I also have one that is titled “365 Ways To Make Eggs”, which I got at a garage sale and another book completely devoted to egg recipes.

I also have Taste Of Home cookbooks (their regular large cookbook and their baking book, a slow cooker book, their Classic cookbook--a somewhat thinner hardcover, and another baking book, tons of their cooking magazines, America’s Test Kitchen Family Cookbook, their Family Baking Book, Cook’s Country Cookbook, an old Joy of Cooking--my mother used it when I was a child--and a newer Joy of Cooking, a Hershey’s Cookbook, a couple of Bisquick books, a Fix It And Forget It slow cooker book, a Cake Mix Doctor book, a Taste Of Home Cake Mix Creations book, a Duncan Hines Complete Cake Mix Magic Book, a book containing exclusively ice cream recipes, and even a book that is only for recipes that will fit into a 9” x 13” pan!)

There are MANY, MANY more but just too much to list! The situation is so bad that I had purchased a small hall cabinet for my dining room to keep my extra set of Christmas dishes in and “somehow” it got filled with cookbooks--and the dishes--which I purchased at a garage sale only because they were too good a deal to pass up--are still up in the attic! Then I bought a nice, large pantry cabinet for extra storage to put in my mud room. Yes, I did manage to clear my counter of various small appliances that aren’t used on a daily basis, but there are cookbooks stashed in there wherever I could find an extra inch of space. I live in a very old house that has those old-fashioned radiators for heat and I even find cookbooks stacked up on one of them!

Of all of them, the one that really stands out in my mind is extremely old and has chapters dealing with various domestic situations. One that I found very entertaining was how to train your servants! Yeah, right, like I could afford such a thing! To give you an example, the book tells you to make sure they are very quiet and unobtrusive when serving dinner, so as not to disturb your or your guest’s conversations. This book doesn’t help me much with cooking but it is very interesting!

Does anyone else here suffer from “Cookbook Overload”?
Not usually, but sometimes like if I'm at a cool thrift shop I can totally walk out of there with a stack of cookbooks I'll never read. But I purge often.
Oh my yes. Right now I am on a campaign for Gordon's cookbooks. Hubby actually built me bookshelves in the kitchen. I have my grandmothers, she passed in 2001. She was the one that started me on my kitchen journey. I have cookbooks that are older than me, and I am 45. And I tend to buy one wherever we visit, regional cookbooks and church cookbooks are wonderful! I haven't actually sold any, and don't intend to. For Christmas my teenage son ordered me a wooden recipe box with my name inscribed- I found it quite a compliment and honor
. Um, anyone SELLING cookbooks, pm me!
I collect cookbooks as well. I really enjoy old ones. I have one that was my great-grandmother's (I'm in my 40's) and in it is a hadwritten recipes (written by my great-grandmom) for Grandmother's Sugar Cookies. A recipe that was my great-great-grandmother's!! Of, course for the temperature it says to bake them in a moderate oven.
Actually, many of the recipes are very good. I also have a cookbook that came from England filled with recipes for teas, scones, and cakes. It's pretty cool too.
I love the old cookbooks but exactly what you mentioned is the problem I have with them. They tell you to use a very hot oven, a hot oven, a moderate oven, and so on. I'm never sure at what temperature to set the oven, so I shy away from the recipes (though I'd love to try a few). I'm 62 and I don't even remember instructions like that from my childhood!

Even in my mom's old Joy Of Cooking book (printed in 1943), specific oven temperatures are given (accompanied by the words hot, moderate, etc.) but the temperatures are not consistant. From what I've seen, moderate can be anywhere from 350 to 375 degrees. I guess it doesn't matter that much with meat as long as you use a thermometer, but I think a cake could get burned if baked at a too high temperature. So if I see a recipe (especially cake or bread) that doesn't give a specific temperature, I tend not to try it.

Maybe one day I will get up the courage!
Oh talk about cook books
I have a collection and moms Betty crocker
with a lot of Handwritten recipes by mom. who has since passed
. I will pass them on to my girls
but I no longer buy any. these That I have will do
and there are loads of them they decorate a shelf in
my kitchen, AlsoI have a folder of BYCrs recipes such as
Gumps Girls bread that is delicious. that we all here
on BYC use for everything from Bread to rolls.
Guilty! I have quite a collection. Enough to fill a small bookcase (4 shelves, 2 ft wide), a small rack (2 shelves, 18" wide), and an apple box full I haven't been able to unpack since moving in July 2007. THEN there are my 2 large recipe boxes full, and two large notebook binders of printed ones, and finally...a quick estimate of the recipe fles on my laptop comes to about 560!

Geez, I might have a problem!
No wait...I do not go to yardsales, used bookstores, etc and purchase by the box full. There may be hope for me.

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